Has anyone ever reversed a hernia repair – more specifically a modified Bassini?
Has a surgeon previously reversed a Bassini (modified in my case) repair back to correct anatomical configuration of tissues? Is it something thats even possible?
After 29 months of suffering after getting a bilateral modified Bassini repair as a ”treatment” for Sports Hernia by Dr. Brown – I am at a point where I will either be in a wheelchair or dead in the next 5 years. I cannot live like this.
Prior to this surgery I was a professional athlete with a resting BPM of 52 and rock solid abs that was being trained by an Olympic athletic therapist. I have never had an actual hernia and I have no mesh inside of me. The only damage inside of me right now are the cuts Dr. Brown made when he sliced open my inguinal floor from the conjoint tendon to the internal ring (for no good reason – I cry thinking about this twice a week) and the multi-directional cuts against the direction of the tissues he made into my external oblique aponeurosis to create ”leafs” effectively breaking the structural integrity of my aponeurosis which is now my entire core cannot flex anymore among other things.
If anyone knows or has heard of a surgeon that successfully reversed a surgery like this and put everything back where its supposed to be please do shoot me a message. Or even if you just know a doctor that is very familiar with the groin and has a good track record please let me know who they are. I know its a stretch but I would like to one day be able to do some kind of athletic ability and maybe have a family/life.
Thank you all for your time.
- This discussion was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by PeterC.
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