News Feed Discussions Have I messed up my hernia surgery?

  • Have I messed up my hernia surgery?

    Posted by aminuts on May 15, 2016 at 3:44 am

    Back in August of this year Dr Towfigh gave me my life back after suffering for 2 1/2 years in pain where many doctors told me nothing wrong go to pain management. She performed a bilateral inguinal hernia and a right femoral hernia.
    Everything was going great took a little longer than 6 weeks to feel fully back to doing the things I love to do.
    Playing soccer with the grandkids I pivoted and felt a tear or rip sensation and thought oh boy! Had some pain and iced it and rested it. Had little stretching and pulling sensations on and off and assume scar tissue and continued doing as I do. Back in February had lots of pain and in groin and upper thigh and contacted Dr. Towfigh who suggested possible abducttor strain to ice and ibuprofen and if not better MRI . Felt better after a week so no MRI . Groin discomfort on and off and upper thigh leading to knee pain about three weeks ago, so went to orthopedic who said It was the patella tendon and shot steroid and recommended physical therapy to strengthen abducttor muscle and learn exercises to strengthen. I started Thursday and since I have had worsening groin pain down into inner thigh and lower stomach heaviness as well as pain in the belly button area. Nausea and burning in groin and lower abdomen as well.
    My question is do you think I have done something to mess up the surgery and should I continue therapy or rest again. I admit I have been landscaping and gardening and not thinking lifted a few slightly heavy rocks as well. Sorry so lengthy but I do not want to go through misdiagnosis again any suggestions would be appreciated. I want to continue being an active women again . Thank you for this forum

    aminuts replied 8 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • drtowfigh

    May 22, 2016 at 2:22 pm

    Have I messed up my hernia surgery?

    Work on App in progress

  • aminuts

    May 21, 2016 at 6:46 pm

    Have I messed up my hernia surgery?

    Thank you all! Was not aware you put mesh on left to prevent hernia. Good to know won’t be so nervous about getting a hernia. Sorry for the nagging but you have know idea what I went through and I just do t want to go there again.

    Maybe I overdue and stop than feel good and start again instead of keeping on. Maybe a lil arthritis flares up and inflammation pushes on area and mimics the old symptoms I had. It does seem to bounce back and forth more left which surprises me as I only had one there and I jumped the gun. Plain old age and time to get back thinking and feeling I’m 30 again! I will see how week goes and if still bothersome than I will have her order MRI.
    Thanks again I promise I won’t bother you all with my ridiculousness (I will try).

    P.s was the app ever developed Dr Towfigh?

  • pszotek

    May 21, 2016 at 4:37 pm

    Have I messed up my hernia surgery?

    quote :

    Hi there,

    I agree with comments by Dr. Earle. And the mesh repair is intended to cover all future hernias, too, so a femoral space on the opposite side is already covered by the mesh with the hope that a future femoral hernia does not occur.

    If the pain continues, which it seems like it is, perhaps it is best to get that MRI pelvis, with valsalva preferably if they can do it. Send it to me and I will evaluate it. It will take some guessing out of the picture.

    Good luck!

    I would agree with both Dr. Earle and Dr. Towfigh on this one. Hope we can help you! Dr. Szotek

  • drtowfigh

    May 21, 2016 at 4:10 am

    Have I messed up my hernia surgery?

    Hi there,

    I agree with comments by Dr. Earle. And the mesh repair is intended to cover all future hernias, too, so a femoral space on the opposite side is already covered by the mesh with the hope that a future femoral hernia does not occur.

    If the pain continues, which it seems like it is, perhaps it is best to get that MRI pelvis, with valsalva preferably if they can do it. Send it to me and I will evaluate it. It will take some guessing out of the picture.

    Good luck!

  • aminuts

    May 20, 2016 at 6:06 pm

    Have I messed up my hernia surgery?

    This is a quick question for dr Towfigh. I do t know if you still have old scans, but could I have had a small weak area on left that we missed or developed. I’m seeing my obgyn next Friday for my annual. If still bothering me I will see if it’s possibly a fibroid cyst.

    Thanks Kathy

  • aminuts

    May 20, 2016 at 3:33 am

    Have I messed up my hernia surgery?

    Im almost embarrassed to ask but I do not want to go through second guessing myself again.

    I have been great for 8 months! Knee pain is gone and wondering if it’s cause I’ve been walking to protect left side.

    The burning and dull ache on left feels much like I had before. If I’m doing any form of exercise, sitting, standing I have to lay down and wait for a bit. I have been getting crampy this week like a period (which I don’t have anymore ) I find myself holding the groin area by my thigh. Slight swelling on pubic area when it’s really bothering me. I feel a slight lump(could it be lymph node) tender to touch. When I lay down I feel slightly but more flat. the right side gets burning sl sometimes but goes away so I’m assuming still the two hernias healing and adjusting.

    I was doing so great, so why acting up now? Is it because I had three? Could I be getting a femoral on left now?

    I continue taking milk of magnesium nightly so I don’t get constipated and get them back! Could it be to much pressure going to the bathroom?

    I’m tired of being a pain but just got my life back and this feels so much like before!

    Thanks crazy Kathy

  • aminuts

    May 16, 2016 at 2:06 am

    Have I messed up my hernia surgery?

    Yes chime in anytime. That’s what this forum is for. I do as well it helps everybody that might be having similar symptoms.
    You make valid points that I have thought of as well! Not moving for two and a half years is a long time. My body is in shock (haha at 54 years old). I certainly made adjustments and walked differently during that time as well as now with aches and pains. I welcome them I know I’m using muscles I haven’t in a long time.
    I never knew the body could repair a tear if that’s the case, so I thank you for that and it sounds very probable.
    The last three days, it has been similar with the burning and stretching especially when bending and lifting that’s why I posted don’t want to go there again. I was afraid that I started another hernia since I am not
    Back to a strong healthy core.
    As far as the therapy, no I’m just going for two or three visits to ensure I’m doing correctly and getting the best exercises to do at home to strengthen.
    Thanks for the information and encouragement.
    Never apologize, may help others especially females! Most doctors assume women cannot get hernias and we need to get the word out!! Thanks again!

    Also thank you Dr Earle for your input as well.

  • Chaunce123

    May 15, 2016 at 9:02 pm

    Have I messed up my hernia surgery?

    I hope you don’t mind me chiming in on this since I am not a doctor, but it’s wonderful to hear a success story like this as a fellow patient. Many of us can relate to continual misdiagnosis and pain, and know the frustrations and dread that goes along with it. It’s good to hear you had the initial success, and hopefully this newer discomfort you have now is a quickly passing experience.

    Is your current pain all the time, constant? Or does it only occur after specific movements? Does it only occur with specific exercises? Does the pain respond well to anything?

    Does your current discomfort and pain feel like that same hernia feeling again? If so, perhaps a hernia recurred. Recurrence is rare, but it’s always a possibility with any hernia.

    Also, scar tissue builds up around any injury or surgical repair site, and scar tissue can tear, and then it remodels over time. My understanding is that this scar tissue remodeling process basically happens constantly any time it is torn or adjusted, then it eventually settles. If you are actively exercising a region with scar tissue, this tearing/remodeling process is perhaps more likely? If so, it could be painful or aggravating as the process sorts itself out. A question suited for the doctors, certainly.

    Finally, and this may not be relevant whatsoever to your case, but from what I have learned from my own journey. You have previously experienced a period of long term pain. A side effect of long term pain is that the patients body starts guarding the areas that hurt, whether intentionally or not, and this guarding can impact other mechanics of the body. So, theoretically, if you had pain in your groin or pelvis before, you may have adjusted your gait, posture, stance, activities, to accommodate that in an attempt to prevent aggravating the initial condition (the hernia). This could make it more likely to experience a strain, cramp, tightness, etc, in related regions, if they became tighter, weaker, or stronger to accommodate the guarded injury. It sounds like you are actively doing physical therapy which I would suspect is a good thing, though from personal experience having unrelated issues resolved with physical therapy, sometimes physical therapy is painful before it feels better again.

    I hope any of this is helpful, if not, I’ll shut up now 😉 Anyway, check up with your doctors, they know best!

  • DrEarle

    May 15, 2016 at 8:14 pm

    Have I messed up my hernia surgery?

    aminuts – If you’re gardening and lifting heavy rocks, it sounds like you are an active woman. You cannot hurt the hernia repair. It is done. The laparoscopic method places the mesh behind the hole, same as fixing a car tire, so no worries there. There is no logical physiologic explanation to tie your symptoms in to a single diagnosis with a cure. If you’re able to remain active, maybe you should just keep on going, and accept minor aches and pains, as long as you can still live your life normally. If the problem is more severe, keep looking in to it. It is normal to have some aches and pains for many reasons, including previous surgery, but not if they are severe and/or preventing you from living your life. Hope this helps!

  • aminuts

    May 15, 2016 at 4:29 am

    Have I messed up my hernia surgery?

    Just a correction surgery August of last year! I’m sure you knew that . Thank you

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