Hernia or defect in the fascia
Hello. I am 16 months postpartum – I have had two csections. Still breastfeeding. After my surgery, I developed a bulge above my scar.
If I cough it really pushes out. I have avoided pursing the issue more as I am nursing. What are peoples opinions? Is this a hernia? Do I need to worry about strangulation? Can I put surgery off for a while?MRI Report findings below done July 2021
CLINICAL HISTORY:?Bulge near the cesarean section scar along the anterior abdominal wall.TECHNIQUE:?Multiplanar sequences obtained of the pelvis without contrast.
Subcutaneous soft tissues:?Diastases along the anterior abdominal wall measuring up to 2.6 cm at the area of concern. Fascial defect?Patient:?at this location measuring 1.7 cm. No herniation of fat or internal abdominal contents. Normal-appearing loop of bowel underlying this location. Mild asymmetry of the subcutaneous fat along the lower pelvic region in the area of concern (series 6, image 35/40).
IMPRESSION:?1. Diastases along the anterior abdominal wall at the area of concern measuring up to 2.6 cm in ML dimension. Fascial defect at this location measures 1.7 cm. However, no herniation identified.?3. Mild asymmetry of the subcutaneous fat in the lower pelvic region in the area of concern.What are people opinions on surgery while nursing? Also, if this is not a hernia? How would it be repaired? Thanks in advance. And should I avoid any certain exercise?
I am trying to schedule an appointment with Dr Yurnis or I would love to see @drtowfigh, but she is in another state.
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