Hernia repair pain – 5.5 weeks post – doc said location is unusual
I am 5.5 weeks post op from right inguinal hernia repair via robot with mesh . I am having significant point tenderness slightly below and slightly to the right of my belly button if I push down on the area. Started two weeks post op. Appears to be over the abdominal muscles. Also have pain in the area when sitting, almost a burning sensation in the belly button area, some numbness. It is not near any of the incisions. It has not improved since it’s started. I saw the doctor for followup, he said he has never had a patient with pain in this location this before from an inguinal hernia repair. He told me to give it more time … Has anyone experienced this kind of pain in this area before from an inguinal hernia repair ? Did it get better? From reading , nerve pain in this area is not very common at all. I felt the recovery has been great otherwise which is why this is so frustrating and discouraging. I’m worried this is a forever pain. Feeling very discouraged.
This discussion was modified 3 weeks, 1 day ago by
This discussion was modified 3 weeks, 1 day ago by
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