Hernias and chronic pain in women
Here are two interesting pieces about chronic pain in women after hernia repair, and hernia repair in women, generally. The method of repair for the chronic pain paper is not clear but the range of the study is 2012 in to 2017 so the odds are high that the repairs used mesh of some kind.
There seems to be quite a bit of writing about the chronic pain problem, for everyone, but still not much is being done as far as splitting out the details. All hernia repairs are lumped in to one basket, all mesh types also. Lots of talk but not even a suggestion for potential improvement.
I get the impression that people are still afraid to call out specific products. Is all mesh equally bad or are certain mesh products bad?
Excerpt –
Among women operated for groin hernia, 18% suffered chronic postoperative pain.”“The Female Groin Hernia – isn’t it Time that we Study this?”
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