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HerniaTalk **LIVE** Q&A sessions
Posted by drtowfigh on March 27, 2020 at 5:13 pmHi everyone!
I’d like to take this downtime from the Covid19 pandemic to help answer your questions via an interactive live video session.
I know so many do not have access to their doctors at this time and are staying at home. I’m hoping a Q&A session may help ease some of your angst during this trying time.
Please send me your suggestions and also which is the best platform on which to do this:
Zoom, Facebook Live, Instagram Live, etc.Goals:
– easy access for all worldwide
– save-able content
– able to include more than 1 person on video. I’d like to invite my surgeon colleagues to join me in your Q&A
– interactive with the audience.Thanks!
dh305 replied 4 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 15 Replies -
15 Replies
Somehow got a password and joined. It was fantastic! Thanks so much for your time!
So sorry, but tried to join and I did not have the password that I needed.
With daylight saving time there are 9 UTC time zones between us so 10 AM Pacific Time (UTC -8) would be a good fit for me.
However, please consider I already had most of my questions answered by you so I’d like to suggest you set the time for the next meeting when you know it’s most appropriate to reach the majority of patients who may have undiagnosed or misdiagnosed mesh complications.
These people, who I belonged before your diagnosis, are the ones who will mostly benefit from the rare expertise you are so kindly willing to share. -
I understand. I will record it and post it on my YouTube channel for others to view later. Let me know what other times work for you for me to consider for future Q&A sessions.
Hi there,
We will have our first LIVE Q&A session this Sunday.
I hope you can all join. Please share.You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Apr 5, 2020 05:00 PM Pacific Time (8:00 PM Eastern; +7 GMT)Please register in advance for this meeting: registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Hello Dr Towfigh,
first of all thank you so much, your work is really invaluable for patients in countries like mine where they just implant a mesh and then dismiss or minimize all but the most severe of complications.
You already answered most of the questions I had in your consultation but I would be greatly interested to learn more about the topic from your answers to other people.
Unfortunately meeting’s time is too late in the night where I live.
I’m going to register for the meeting anyway if you plan to make available, after the meeting ends a recorded offline session, to anyone who registered.
If this isn’t possible for any reason a text Q&A extracted from the meeting would still be great. -
Hi everyone
Let’s plan for this weekend: I will devote an hour Saturday and an hour Sunday. I’ll confirm date/times shortly. It will be on Zoom. -
Thanks for always looking for ways to help patients with hernias and/or mesh problems. As you know, We can use all the help we can get! I would love to contribute if appropriate. Stay well!
Nice idea.
Any particular times that work best? I may experiment.
Zoom is a great platform and readily accessible.
Maybe members can submit their questions in advance by a certain time?
That’s helpful.
I looked Into Zoom. It seems to be better for face to face live discussions with patients. And everyone can watch it too. Thoughts?
Great idea! Wish all doctors were like you.
Facebook live or Instagram are my suggestions.
Keep us posted! -
Wow. Likely your surgery is canceled. But odd that no one contacted you. We are not expecting to be able to offer elective surgery until May at the earliest
Very thoughtful of you doc, I am supposed to have surgery April 8
Called drs office no answer, called surgical center where procedure to take place
They are now closed, kind of shocked they hadn’t called me to tell me it’s cancelled
I have to travel 12 hours for operation and would have to have stayed in a hotel for a week
I am in extreme discomfort and sporadic pain
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