News Feed Discussions How long can abdominal bloating be expected after repair?

  • How long can abdominal bloating be expected after repair?

    Posted by Mariel on June 5, 2019 at 1:04 am

    How long can bloating / swollen abdomen last after Inguinal hernia repair?

    Had laparoscopy repair with mesh 2 weeks ago, and have have a bloated/ swollen abdomen as if there was a balloon in there or 5 months pregnant looking- since day 2 of surgery.

    I’m pretty small in size (110 lb) and overall healthy. I didn’t have any issues with co2 and it doesn’t appear to be gas related, as I’ve been walking around and doing normal activities and still swollen.

    My post op said unsure why I’m still bloated and everything seemed good with the incisions.

    [USER=”935″]drtowfigh[/USER] is this normal / just how some people’s body may react to having surgery?

    Also have slight semi hard swelling where hernia was repaired off and on and discomfort/cramping there off and on still.

    Along with leg pain (as was before the repair) on same side hernia was (ankle, back of calf-, down front of thigh) off and on. No swelling or discoloration. Just crampy, dull, burning, sore.

    just hoping for some reassurance that this is all normal for small person and will eventually go away (?)

    Thank you!

    Good intentions replied 5 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Good intentions

    June 5, 2019 at 3:32 am
    quote Mariel:

    just hoping for some reassurance that this is all normal for small person and will eventually go away (?)

    Only time will tell. The possible combinations of mesh type, surgery type, mesh placement, and individual physiology is incredibly large. Nobody really knows what each patient’s results will be. I felt like I had a sponge inside me for months. Lifting heavy weights at the gym seemed to squeeze the fluids out and tighten things up. Keep track of what you do and what happens later, and let those correlations guide you.

    You’re still very early though. Probably have not even been released for normal activity yet. Good luck.

  • drtowfigh

    June 5, 2019 at 3:26 am

    Bloating is likely inflammatory response to all the surgery done inside. The gas is gone pretty quickly. Everyone is different and amount of time with bloating varies. Can be a month.

  • localCivilian

    June 5, 2019 at 2:24 am

    Perfectly normal. Had it done for an umbilical hernia. Everyone heals different. Doctor told me I would be back to 100% by a week and a half but really took me over a month to feel back to 90%. Even at that time, you’re still gonna feel a little tugging and pulling in the area depending on where your hernia was. Give it some time and be patient because internal healing could be a good while. The bloating from the gas is what stuck with me for a few weeks and it sucked. Take it easy and I wish you a good recovery!

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