Incisional Hernia – post wound infection from an open appendectomy
Glad to have found this forum – trying to make sense of incisional hernia repairs, fidninga good surgeon etc. can be pretty daunitng.
Cliff notes – I had laparoscopic apendectomy (emergency) which had to be converted to an open procedure performed in January of this year. I woke from surgery with about a 7 inch vertical incision to the right of my belly button.
Day 4 post op, developed a pretty sever wound infection. Resulted in home health care – wound packing with Iodiform for almost nine weeks. Finally cleared by surgeon and was advised I could return to normal activities.
A few days later, felt a pop in the area of the incision, went back to the surgeon who originally stated I had weakend fascia. It got worse, i got a CAT scan and received the news that I had a hernia which is gradually getting larger. Original surgeon said he would open me up again, put in mesh and close it up. I wasn’t feeling very confident in the response especially after just recovering froma pretty nasty wound infection plus the associated shock of being laid up for quite some time.I then consulted with two different local surgeons – Dr. Clark Gerhart who I found via the American Hernia Association and Dr. Tanner Long who was recommended to me by a doctor friend.
I am lookng for guidance on the best possible procedue to repair / any other factors to coinsider with surgeon choice.
I am leaning toward a robotic repair due to prior infection and subsequent recopvery. I live in Eastern PA.
Thanks in advance!
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