News Feed Discussions Inguinal Hernias In Women: How to Find and Treat Them

  • Inguinal Hernias In Women: How to Find and Treat Them

    Posted by Good intentions on September 29, 2022 at 11:26 am

    Christina Frangou has written an article for General Surgery News about Dr. Towfigh’s presentation at the recent Costa Rica “Pain” conference. Pretty fascinating, some excellent observations about a deficiency in the herma repair field and recommendations for change. Dr. Towfigh even leaves the herd and says that the “Guidelines” might not be right. For women, at least.

    I hope that many of her colleagues join and support her efforts to take a more logical approach to herma repair, than the one-size-fits-all-mesh-is-the-solution approach. The same logic can be applied to men with hernias. Good luck to her.

    Two excerpts below. I think that you can just take out the words women and female and the logic is still sound. It still makes sense.

    “The recommendation for immediate laparoscopic surgery in women “tends to result in overuse of mesh in women, which can result in adverse events, including mesh-related complications and chronic pain,” she said.”

    ” “The reality is even if you go in to do a tissue-based repair and you find a femoral hernia because you must still look for it, you can change your surgical technique,” she said. “But to say that every single female should get a laparoscopic repair with mesh is just not the right way to make guidelines.”

    Dr. Towfigh believes that mesh is a major contributor to post–inguinal hernia pain in women. …”

    Good intentions replied 2 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Good intentions

    October 1, 2022 at 4:48 pm

    I think that Dr. Towfigh touched on some possibilities for the first question in her presentation.

    Here is a recent commentary that I ran across today, also about hernias in female patients. Topics generally tend to become focused then fade away as the years go by. Maybe this is the time of the female hernia. Trans vaginal mesh brought a renewed focus on mesh problems. Maybe hernia repair mesh in females will do the same again.

  • Watchful

    September 29, 2022 at 12:56 pm

    Is it understood why mesh causes more issues in women than men? Also, why is tissue repair considered to be less problematic in women than men?

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