Insight Please.
Hello, I am new to this forum and I just had a laprosopic ingunial hernia repair surgery using mesh almost three weeks ago. I’m 22 and have lived a fairly active lifestyle involving long distance running and weight lifting. I was not told how I got my hernia, I assume it was weightlifting because it doesn’t run in my family. I am also in the Army so my job requires me to be active. My question is; I’ve recently had my follow up and my doctor told me I was healing perfectly and that he felt no need to put me on any further physical restrictions (other than the no heavy weight lifting and strenuous exercises) since then I have been doing very light weight upper body workouts never going past 25 lbs, and I’ve been walking on the treadmill and after the initial few days of the surgery I haven’t really felt pain walking. I am set to return to work in a few days and I’m concerned how running will effect my body. As mentioned earlier I’ve always been a pretty accomplished runner as far as the Army goes. And as much as I want to get back out there I don’t want to put my body in any jeopardy while I am healing. I talked to a buddy that had the same surgery as me a few years back, and he told me “After two weeks the scare tissue heals over your mesh keeping it in place so it’s a matter of pain tolerance.” Which is similar to what the army doctor told me. I am looking forward to reading you all’s responses, I’ve never had a surgery like this so I’m kinda nervous. Thank you!
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