Looking for a Hernia Specialist near North Alabama
Hello all,
I have had groin pain for more than 6 months now, and have been through many doctors and tests all of which have been nonhelpful (doctors) and inconclusive (tests). I will detail history below, but can anyone please recommend a specialist in the area near Huntsville, AL (I can drive to Birmingham, Nashville, Atlanta – I would just as soon fly to Dr. Towfigh if none is available in any of those areas)?
I very much appreciate any help!
Melissa* As a preface, I am an engineer by degree and profession (for 12+ years) who has gone back to school for nursing very recently (and slowly). I have a knowledge base of core classes like anatomy/physiology and whatnot to reference where the pain is occurring, for instance (inguinal region, left side), and I am aware of the capabilities and limitations of imaging options. All imaging was done static (non-provocative), all ultrasound was pretty shallow and was never actually passed over the groin crease or thigh. I had requested ultrasound in those areas and was basically ignored, and requested provocative imaging and the same happened. I think at this point I am honestly just fatigued with the entire set of medical providers in this region, as they each seem to be subscribing to an incredibly powerful repertoire of selective perceptions and buck passing, combined with absolute astonishment when someone wants them to spend more than five minutes total doing an exam. But, I digress.
[b]History (Groin Pain)]
[b]2015 August to December] Intermittent left side groin pain (less than once per day) – described as a ‘pang’
[b]2016 January] Stepping onto left leg causes stab of pain in left groin. Pain is more frequent
[b]2016 April] Pain is consistent daily; seek help from gynecologist
âž” Pelvic exam (internal/external) Hurts when pressure applied
âž” Ultrasound (transvaginal) Minor cyst noted on OPPOSITE side ovary
âž” Recommendation: Aleve (prescription strength) 2x/day, 3 weeks; suggests will likely help if pain is musculoskeletal
âž” 2016 May: Aleve does not help with pain[b]2016 May] Seek help from primary care physician
âž” Blood Test and Urinalysis No findings
âž” Ultrasound (pelvic) No findings
âž” CT Scan (abdominal/pelvic) No findings
âž” Referral to orthopedic surgeon to ‘rule out musculoskeletal causes’[b]2016 June] Appointment with Orthopedic surgeon
âž” Physical Exam (manipulation of legs and hips to attempt to incite pain) Does not increase pain
âž” Physical Exam (external pressure applied to area of pain) Hurts
âž” Suggests based on exam cause is not musculoskeletal, and is likely more superficial than muscle or bone
âž” MRI (left hip) No findings.
âž” ? Uncertain why MRI was ordered of only left hip (midline to edge) and not pelvic region.
âž” Dr’s Aide calls and suggests physical therapy despite doctor ruling out musculoskeletal root cause during exam[b]2016 June]Seek help from general surgeon – unsure how else to get help finding root cause
âž” Gave surgeon entire history up to this point in writing, including references to Dr. Towfigh’s research and media
âž” Surgeon says there is no way inguinal hernia would hurt where I pointed to
âž” Surgeon feels thigh and asks me to cough; says no way there’s a femoral hernia
âž” Suggests physical therapy, weight loss…
âž” Says he will refer me to neurologist (at my insistence)[b]Tests Done]
2016 April: Ultrasound (Transvaginal) – 3cm cyst/R ovary (Gyn)
2016 April: Pregnancy Test – Not pregnant (not ectopic)
2016 May: Urinalysis – No findings
2016 May: Blood Test – No findings
2016 May: Ultrasound, Pelvic – No findings (PCP)
2016 May: CT Scan (Abdominal and Pelvic) – No findings (PCP)
2016 June: MRI Left Hip – No Findings (Ortho)[b]Prior Surgery]
2015 July: Tubal Ligation (laparoscopic, Filshie Clips)Photo attached with diagram of pain location; pain also radiates down inner thigh (burning feeling)
[b]Pain Descriptions]
â— Left inguinal region primarily; radiates to left labia majora, left inner thigh, left abdomen
â— Continuous most days from waking to sleep (and during)
â— Most recently, occasional numb feeling in inner/back thigh
â— Varies in intensity
â— Worse in evening, or after much activity/walking
â— Usually gradually increases; has been sudden (from dull to sharp in seconds, walking in the store)
â— At worst: Affects appetite, sleep, work, home responsibilities cannot walk to car in parking lot without multiple breaks
â— Deep, sore, aching
â— Dull, throbbing (usually when not walking)
â— Warm/Hot, Radiating, Burning (both heat and pain)
â— Sharp, Stabbing, Shooting (usually when walking, though has happened when sitting/sleeping)
â— Pinching, constricting
â— Pressure, bloated?
â— Tender pretty much always[b]Makes Pain Worse (usually)]
â— Walking – specifically when stepping onto left leg, heel hurts worst, though toe still does hurt
â— Standing for prolonged periods
â— Standing, at any point after pain has become bad
â— Bending down
â— Laying on Left Side
â— Being on hands and knees facing down (down dog yoga position)
â— Emptying bladder (less frequently; pain occurs when bladder nears completely empty); also very uncomfortable (moreso than usual) when bladder is full
â— Straining during bowel movement (sometimes)[b]Makes Pain Better (usually)]
â— Straightening all the way out flat on back
â— Sitting (not hunched over)/Leaning Back (decreasing angle between back and thighs)
â— Holding fist at area of pain and applying gentle pressure (this could be psychosomatic – it just hurts so bad I do it anyways)[u]References given to doctor]
◠“In Women, Hernias May be Hidden Agonyâ€, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/17/health/17brody.html?_r=0
◠“How Hernias Can Cause Pelvic Painâ€, http://www.pelvicpainrehab.com/uncategorized/3565/herniamaycausepelvicpain/
◠“His and Hers Hernias: Pelvic Pain Culprit Tough to Diagnose in Womenâ€, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/glenndbraunsteinmd/hisandherherniaspelvi_b_950590.html
◠“Hernias in Women: Uncommon, or Unrecognized?â€, http://laparoscopy.blogs.com/laparoscopy_today/LaparoscopyTodayPDFs/Laparoscopy31.pdf pg 8
◠“Hernia Symptom in Womenâ€, http://www.beverlyhillsherniacenter.com/herniasymptomsinwomen.html
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