News Feed Discussions Mesh complication not immediately after surgery

  • Mesh complication not immediately after surgery

    Posted by routern7 on June 17, 2018 at 9:21 pm

    Have you heard of anyone that developed chronic pain in the mesh area (for my case cant walk, band over, strain) after strenuous physical activity?
    Most doctor I saw (mesh removal specialist) mentioned that mesh pain should start after surgery immediately.

    Good intentions replied 6 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Good intentions

    June 23, 2018 at 5:45 pm

    Hello routern7. I just tried to post in your other thread but it came up as “Unapproved”. Hopefully Dr. Towfigh will fix it soon. Good luck. Keep track of what specifically causes your pain. It’s important.

  • routern7

    June 23, 2018 at 1:28 am

    I did MRI and CT did not show seroma. Is there a way to check for that
    I just did normal weight lifting and felt something went wrong.
    what scared me is that the pain chronic along the area were the mesh exist, might be the mesh itself.

  • Damien10

    June 19, 2018 at 4:07 am


    I didn’t remove the mesh.

    After a couple of months, the pain gradually subsided and I also went to the Doctor and did an ultrasound which showed no reoccurence but I did have swollen lymph nodes in the area obviously from irritation etc. I think that was the cause of my pain, possibly the node swelling. It was substantial as well. Over 1cm.

    I took Ibuprofen and the pain gradually went away. I don’t know if it was scar tissue pulling away or the mesh cutting/irritating nearby tissues. I did have problems such as painful ejaculation that felt like the area was tense and spasming.

    I knew that I placed some intra -abdominal pressure on the area in the preceding days in the gym…mainly from heavy squats and possibly bad form in deadlifts(leaning back too much). What were you lifting? What exercises exactly?

    My pain was so bad that I couldn’t even lean back cause it felt like my insides would split in two. It was a constant stabbing pain as well.

    Have you considered the possibility of internal injury/irritation causing a seroma to form etc?

  • routern7

    June 19, 2018 at 3:05 am

    The pain is different from pain before original surgery. the surgery was in 2016 issues started in Jan 2018 after heavy weight lifting

  • routern7

    June 19, 2018 at 3:00 am

    Thanks for your reply.
    no problem masturbating.
    I did the nerve blocks but it did not work. after surgery I had minor pain but after heavy weight lifting a stabbing pain started in the area where the mesh is.
    it is been 6 months and Is still cant walk. the only thing MRI show is adductor longus tear but I asked 20 doctors and no one thinks that can be the root cause. I have few doctors suggesting removing the mesh because they dont know what is going on.

    Damien, what did you do with the pain? did you get the mesh out

  • Damien10

    June 19, 2018 at 2:01 am

    I may have experienced something similar after deadlifting exercises and heavy squats last year. Symptoms included extreme pain in the area and the inability to bend. It basically felt like another hernia. Pain continued for months. I’m guessing either the mesh broke away and irritated nearby tissues etc or scar tissue was pulled apart.

    Any problems sexually or say ejaculating?

    Remember that the groin area is crucial to sexual function so any pain associated with that should help you understand the problem.

  • Chaunce1234

    June 19, 2018 at 12:48 am

    Was there some aggravating event? What happened? What was the original surgery type and how long ago was it? What is the pain like now? Did you have pain before the original surgery? Age/sex/weight?

    I have read stories on these forums and elsewhere about people who over-exerted with exercise or lifting or athletics or similar and then encountered pain at the site of a prior surgery, perhaps it is from scar tissue being pulled or torn, or irritating nerve, or something else.

    Any treatment so far? Have you had a nerve block or anything similar? Any longterm NSAID course (if appropriate to your general health) or anything similar? What did the doctors you have seen thus far suggest?

    Good luck and keep us updated on your case.

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