Mesh removal decision
Firstly I would like to extend my gratitude to Dr Dr Towfigh for instigating Hernia Talk .What an excellent informative site – invaluable especially with expert surgical input
Unfortunately I only recently found it after surgery which I had 5 years ago .
I live in the UK and having had chronic pain for 5 years am considering removal of mesh which was implanted during open surgery for a right inguinal hernia in 2012.
Rather like some of the posts my original surgeon did not accept that it is the repair/mesh that caused the pain and I would recover.
I attended a pain management programme in London and was listened to for the first time
As vtjbrent says this affects one’s quality of life.
Reading the posts is an excellent way to start to understand that removal can be safe if done by an experienced surgeon.
I would welcome feedback on removal especially so long after original surgery. Also advice on the investigations that led to the removal eg imaging with dye
Any recommendations in UK as well would be a great help
Many thanks
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