News Feed Discussions Mission Complete! Hernia(s) repaired.

  • Mission Complete! Hernia(s) repaired.

    Posted by gretarae on June 8, 2016 at 1:28 pm

    Maybe I’m being premature…but it is officially 14 days post-op since my ventral/incisional hernia repair…and I feel AWESOME!!
    It was open repair through my original laparotomy incision. Indeed there was a paraumbilical hernia at the site, along with a couple small epigastric at the top and left of the incision…so it was reassuring that I decided to move forward with the surgery. Hernias repaired, polypropylene placed in retromuscular space, diastasis/component separation repair to complete procedure.

    Brilliantly, a thoracic epidural was placed before surgery….so my first 36 hours of recovery were beyond pleasant. I was in ICU, but able to rest comfortably without that “drugged but still in pain” combination:( Got walking and eating as soon as the epidural was removed. Transitioned to pain meds fine and was shocked that after four days…was almost comfortable with just consistent doses of tylenol. Home day five.
    Incision…long and mean, just as I anticipated. Swelling minimal. Abdominal binder…my very best friend and protector from my small children. Does it hurt? If i twist the wrong way or cough or sneeze, whoa!! like a fire inside! That however, dissipates in only a second or two. Do I feel the mesh? Too early to tell. I feel like I had a major abdominal surgery….but certainly no more aggravating than my four C-sections or my hemi-colectomy.
    To be honest, the hardest part of this recovery is going to be not doing too much too soon! I’m having to remind myself to take it easy and let this healing do it’s thing, so that I never have to do this again!

    I cannot thank the docs here enough for quelling my fears in the weeks/months leading up to this surgery.
    I was over-researched and under-educated. Good experiences are unfortunately not published
    I found the perfect doctor for this procedure.
    Call it a little early, but I feel optimistic and Im gonna say this is a success for now. I’ll keep you updated if things take a turn.
    As of today…I feel wonderful!!

    pszotek replied 8 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • DrEarle

    June 9, 2016 at 7:14 pm

    Mission Complete! Hernia(s) repaired.

    Great news. Thanks for the update. DE

  • pszotek

    June 8, 2016 at 3:39 pm

    Mission Complete! Hernia(s) repaired.

    Congrats and thanks for the feedback. It is amazing how far an appreciative patient like yourself goes to making our day. All too often this is ignored. Thanks for your feedback and I hope that your recovery continues as well in the coming days. Dr. Szotek

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