News Feed Discussions Mutiple Surgeries in a close proximity of time.

  • Mutiple Surgeries in a close proximity of time.

    Posted by cindybigg on June 21, 2016 at 4:07 pm

    I need to get in touch with other people that have had the amount of surgeries that I have had and within two years. Here is my story. It began with a appendix surgery. During the appendix surgery the doctor discovered my Gallbladder was riddled with cancer so it was removed. Then they discovered there was cancer in the liver so some of the liver was removed. Then I experienced two infection surgeries. Then they dis covered I had a hole in my abdominal wall and 2 hernias protruding from it. I then had reconstruction surgery to my abdominal wall and the hernia’s were repaired. All this started July of 2013-2015. It’s been a year since all the surgeries and my question is:
    1. Is it normal to be in so much pain now
    2. Has anyone experienced anything comparable to what I have been through so I can talk with them and compare what it feels like inside of my stomach and compare pain.
    3. My age is 57, I’m going through menopause the last two years along with this and I am banging my head against the wall on trying to loose weight. I am now finally active, I walk, pick garden produce, can, get groceries, cook meals, laundry , mow the yard and still no weight loss and still so much pain in my abdominal area it hurts very bad.
    4. My surgeon says that after the amount of surgeries that I have experienced and such a short time span that its normal to hurt “LIKE HELL” is exactly how he put it.
    5. Is there anyone out there that can relate to having a similar situation that I can talk to so I can see if my pain is normal and compare how yours is, then maybe I will feel normal? Because I don’t. Surgeons, Doctors, Nurses, Anyone please only reply if you really have info. or have had a similar situation.

    cindybigg replied 8 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • cindybigg

    August 8, 2016 at 2:01 am

    Mutiple Surgeries in a close proximity of time.

    Also to Drtowfigh: would it be possible for you and Dr. Poulose to converse about my case? I would very much like for you to talk to him and explain these possibilities and see what he says.

  • cindybigg

    August 8, 2016 at 1:54 am

    Mutiple Surgeries in a close proximity of time.

    To Mom of 4, I’m very sorry that you are going through all this trouble. I feel its not my mesh in this case. If you’ll read below what I wrote to Drtowfigh it explains where my pain is. I actually, like you, do feel worse after having all my surgeries because, every time I try to be active my abdomen swells and hurts. Not just my stomach, but at all the surgery sites , where all the adheshions are from them and all my insides are painfull. The more I do , the more painfull and I have to stop. The only time I do not hurt is when I’m alsleep.
    I also get the hot burning pains in my middle back on the right side all the time. The way I explain my pain to people is it feels like all my organs are not where they go and everything in there hurts and when I move its all scraping against raw skin. Walking is doable if I have my spanks on I will go walking and it makes it bearable. If I don’t wear my spanks, it hurts even worse. I can see that you have gone thru a lot of pain treatments and a lot of places and still not gotten any answers which doesn’t give me and encouragement. I hope Drtowfigh can direct me in the right direction and I hope you find your source of pain also.

  • cindybigg

    August 8, 2016 at 1:29 am

    Mutiple Surgeries in a close proximity of time.

    Yes, I agree Dr. Poulose was and is excellent. My pain like I stated is mainly in the area of the first surgeries. and in my back. I do not have cancer. The cancer was removed when the Gallbladder got removed and the Slice of the liver when they took the lymph nodes out of the liver along with the slice. I have had a CT every 6 months for the last year and a half. All have been clear of cancer. I will have another in December. However, intestinal adhesions could be a factor since my digestive system has not been regular since all these surgeries started. I have had a colonoscopy and it was clear also. What I mean by not regular is: I may have diarrhea 3-4 times in one day and not have a bowl movement for 3 days. I figured this to be normal since I practically cleaned myself out on the diarrhea day. I hurt very bad also if I eat too much , and it doesn’t take much to eat to much. I can see and feel the adhesions under my skin in and around the first surgery sites. They are very painful. Could you elaborate on what Multidimensional evaluation of all factors in my history means, and where would you suggest that I get that? Thank you

  • drtowfigh

    July 18, 2016 at 4:05 am

    Mutiple Surgeries in a close proximity of time.

    Dr Poulose is an excellent surgeon. You were in good hands.
    The context of your operations seems to be important in evaluating the pain. It’s not normal to be in so much pain so far out from surgery. Mesh is likely not the cause of your pain but Dr P would be the appropriate specialist to help determine that. The cancer may be contributing. Your liver cancer surgeon should be surveying that with follow up scans etc. sometimes intestinal adhesions are also the problem.
    In short, in your situation, you need a multidimensional evaluation of all factors in your history to help get you the treatment you need.

  • Momof4

    July 15, 2016 at 2:52 am

    Mutiple Surgeries in a close proximity of time.

    Sorry to hear of all the surgery and pain you have had to endure. I am a 52 year old female. My situation is similar to yours in that I have had 7 surgeries in 3 1/2 years, 4 in the last 2 years. My case is a little different because all surgeries were trying to deal with groin pain and hernias. I first had a laparoscopy looking for source of groin/pelvic pain. I then had a hysterectomy (pretty sure I didn’t need it)! Next femoral hernia repair, triple neurectomy, mesh removal and open tissue repair on left, bilateral open hernia repair and then abdominal wall reconstruction in September 2015. The initial recovery from AWR was very painful, but the doctor told me it would be difficult because of the nature of the surgery. After the initial recovery period of about three months I started having worse groin pain and my whole abdomen hurts. I still have to wear an abdominal binder 10 months after surgery or it feels terrible. I never thought I would feel worse after surgery than before, the pain was bad before! I started walking the day after surgery and have built up my distance. Walking helps and the excercise is good therapy. I also do core and leg strengthening PT exercises. Not sure if any of this helps me feel better, but helps me get in shape. Some days I say it feels like my guts are falling out ( best way I can describe it). It is a nasty pain and often times makes me nauseous. I have traveled from VA to CA seeking help. I am trying some lidocaine patches, some different medications and having some interventional radiology injections next week. So far nothing is really helping, but I will persevere. I am afraid that the mesh is the problem. I recently have a new pulling pain at my belly button. I have burning pain on the right that feels like it’s on fire. By the end of the day I usually have swelling too. Not sure how nerve problems could cause swelling!! Maybe Dr. Towfigh could give some insight as to how you know if the mesh is the problem – contracting, inflammation or even just reaction to the mesh, not necessarily infection. There have also been a couple of times when I have been in lots of pain and the area has felt hot. Not sure if that means anything. Sorry to be long winded, but hope that maybe you can relate to some of the things I am feeling. I hope that you can find answers. I will not give up until I can find something that truly helps. Right now I feel like I am ruling things out instead of getting to the source of my problem.

  • cindybigg

    July 15, 2016 at 2:07 am

    Mutiple Surgeries in a close proximity of time.

    My abdominal wall had a hole in it due to the prior multiple surgeries. It has 2 Hernia’s hanging out of the hole and they were repaired and the abdominal wall was repaired with mesh and has done very well. I hurt mainly in the area of the first surgeries before the last. I’m always aware of the abdominal wall surgery, because you can just feel it all the time. Dr. Benjamin Polouse from Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville TN. did my reconstruction surgery and he is top in his field. Isn’t there any one out there that can give me some answers on how THEY feel on the inside after a similar situation. I’m told it takes up to 8 months for one surgery to heal. So that means a long time for me….. Need some answers please…..

  • drtowfigh

    June 25, 2016 at 8:36 pm

    Mutiple Surgeries in a close proximity of time.

    Not normal to hurt like hell after any operation one year later.

    – what type of operation did you have for your hernias?
    – where exactly is your pain and and when do you get it?

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