News Feed Discussions My explanted mesh photos

  • My explanted mesh photos

    Posted by paco on November 29, 2018 at 1:38 pm

    At last, I have had my plug and mesh removed a week ago.

    The mesh was only six months inside my groin and the aspect once removed is disgusting.

    I’ve taken some pictures of the mesh and the plug, and entraped nerves.

    Chaunce1234 replied 6 years, 2 months ago 6 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Chaunce1234

    December 10, 2018 at 7:48 pm
    quote paco:

    Hello [USER=”1916″]
    My later surgeon is Dr. Prof Alfredo Moreno Egea,, who is the only (as far as I know) abdominal wall, hernia and pain management specialist surgeon in all Spain who is enough experienced and can carry mesh removal, anatomical repairs and neurectomy.
    This is a recent case study (not the mine) of prof Egea, althought it has many cases every year:

    This is excellent information that could be valuable to other patients, thank you for sharing this.

    Best of luck and keep us updated on your case and progress.

  • dog

    December 4, 2018 at 11:43 pm

    Boy! Try too explain to that person { paco
    J Low risk ..or using term statistically speaking bla bla bla… By the way today i received the call from the office of my original doctor who still trying to collect from me remains of fee for useless surgery he recommend with mesh….I still remember how smiling he was by telling me that he….pain can happened…and continue smiling was telling me about low statistics but horror stories … If i did it..passably could be in in bad shape for life..lucky to found this forum.

  • paco

    December 3, 2018 at 7:12 pm

    Some more better photos of my alien mesh.

  • dog

    December 1, 2018 at 9:25 am
    quote scaredtodeath:

    Dog did u ever have ur surgery

    It is coming in Jen

  • scaredtodeath

    November 30, 2018 at 10:24 pm

    Dog did u ever have ur surgery

  • dog

    November 30, 2018 at 8:19 pm

    .M G. Those photos speaks better then words… Unfortunately as i see many people coming to this place {forum} after the fact.. I was lucky to come before the { Doctors} implanted the peace of plastic…into the human body ..obviously my doctor also was telling me with a big smile easy it is..and how low risk of side effect..Really ? They want to get quick result on expenses of the long term consequences

  • paco

    November 30, 2018 at 5:08 pm

    Hello [USER=”1916″]Chaunce1234[/USER]


    Course, I will try to keep you informed with my progression.

    I’ve noticed some changes, the first one is for the moment a lot of relief in my groin and testicle, only mild discomfort (not pain, more like a “phantom” or residual feeling, maybe due body memory nature). No either urinary and ejaculatory burn for the moment and I can also sit without feeling pressure pain.
    I’m also hungry like a bull at every hour.
    However I have typical post-op normal pain, maybe more muscular than related to other nature. This kind of pain doesn’t worry me much.

    The day after my discharge, I was able to walk, way better than before considering that I just had surgery 24h ago, an even enjoy a beer outside in a terrace of a bar just leave outside.

    In contrast or as comparison, my first surgery (mesh one), I had to leave the hospital the next day in a wheelchair due extreme excrutiating pain. So a big difference.

    Note: The surgeon performed to me prior to surgery a “dermatome mapping”. Study of MRIs and CT scans and pre-operative planning.

    All my material was removed (plug and mesh) in one piece, cleaned small fibers and nechrotic tissue. What is for sure that my mesh is degraded too and is impossible to know how many of those small fibers (I could see it looking very close the extracted mesh) they could have pierced the tissue or could be into the bloodstream.

    The other symptoms that I’ve developed with the mesh in my body – as a cause/effect reaction – wich are strongly different in nature are:

    – Immunologic disorders of unknown nature: Systemic and Allergic reactions, über high levels of IgE (Immunogloblullin E), and proteinogram, albumin and gammaglobullin alterations…
    – Central pain sensitization and body temperature disregulation: all my body is affected and I feel sometimes like cold and hot sensations running through my legs and feet, arms, face, etc. mostly at skin level.
    – Axilar and plantar hyperhidrosis as reaction to cold temperatures (the opposite as normal).
    – Chronic pelvic pain syndrome
    – Other myriad of very strange symptoms wich are systemic in nature

    * Many of those rare symptoms were reduced to a certain extent only with daily intake of Tramadol, wich is rare because not all of those symptoms are really considered pain and Tramadol is only for pain, as far as I know. However, the pre-mesh-excision inguinal and testicular pain were no prone to any kind of meds.
    Note: Typical neuropathic meds such as Gabapentin and Pregabalin didn’t worked for me as well.

    So for now, a few of those specific “rare” symptoms are still present.
    could those systemic diseases go away with time? Maybe, but I don’t think so since the damage in my organism could be no longer reversible.
    My physicians do not have a consensus, but speculate “Continuous and Cumulative Oxidative Stress” due mess reaction, immunological and or allergic reaction, Central Pain Sensitization, Chronic Inflamatory Systemic Diseases, Mast Cell Activation Syndromes, Dysautonomia, etc. but is complex to demonstrate as far not empirical or lab tests could be conducted.

    My later surgeon is Dr. Prof Alfredo Moreno Egea,, who is the only (as far as I know) abdominal wall, hernia and pain management specialist surgeon in all Spain who is enough experienced and can carry mesh removal, anatomical repairs and neurectomy.
    This is a recent case study (not the mine) of prof Egea, althought it has many cases every year:

    It seems that young surgeons are no longer trained or skilled with anatomical repairs, do not know mesh excision and older ones changed a long ago traditional practices to quick mesh surgeries and they lost those skills (as one confessed me). They also do not admit in public the bad outcomes of mesh and the vast majority uses plug and mesh because is the most easy and cheap to perform (also only a few are skilled with laparoscopic).
    Another problem here in Spain is that “General Surgeons” (not specialized ones) thinks that hernia is a simple procedure and any surgeon perform the vast majority of hernia surgeries like an assembly line.

    However, my surgeon does not discard radically meshes, but according to himself, age, weight, allergies, precedents, BMI, athletic person, etc. must be seriously considered and studied prior to introduce a foreign material inside. Also not all meshes are equal, both in quality and type suited, material, titanium coated lightweight, heavy, pore size, laparoscopy or open, etc.
    He normally states for anatomical in young, mid-age, athletes, low BMI index, chronic pain background or small deffects, as well as immunological suppressed or past cancer history. So mesh usage must be carefuly performed in very selected cases, mostly obese and third age or giant defects.

    For example, here in Spain, the top first division soccer players (Real Madrid, Barcelona) do often get care in expensive Sports Centers which in their websites states firmly that hernia surgery with mesh leads to chronic pain in a higher rate. The most contradictory is that the surgeons of such centers who claim those statements, also have consultations in other centers (either public or private) in which they claim the opposite for the rest of the mortals.

  • Chaunce1234

    November 30, 2018 at 2:45 am

    [USER=”2721″]paco[/USER] thank you for sharing this, it looks difficult to say the least.

    Can you share who your surgeon was who performed the successful removal and Shouldice repair?

    Have you noticed any changes to your symptoms since the surgery?

    Keep your head up and please keep us updated on your progress.

  • scaredtodeath

    November 29, 2018 at 11:44 pm

    Paco I hope you don’t mind me checking in with you from time to time

  • Good intentions

    November 29, 2018 at 9:18 pm

    Thanks for posting this paco. It was probably a good idea to get it out early. As NFG12 said, it can take a long time to recover after mesh removal. The surrounding tissue has spent all of that time accommodating the mesh. Don’t expect rapid results but do have hope for constant improvement. Good luck.

    It’s good to see that the professional associations are finally taking some responsibility and performing the functions that they were originally formed to do. To monitor and advise. Finally realizing that the medical device makers are not working for the patients’ welfare, and cannot be trusted to advise about their own products.

    Here is a fairly recent tweet from Dr. Towfigh about the plug and patch.

  • paco

    November 29, 2018 at 8:24 pm

    Of Course

    Height: 169cm / 5′ 7″
    Pre-operatory weight : 68Kg / 150 pounds
    Now: 53Kg / 117 pounds (but gaining weight again)

    I’ve lost a lot of weight during my 6 months mesh inferno period (about 15 Kg or 33 pounds).

    Mesh type: plug and mesh (Rutkow technique). I don’t know the brand, but the surgeon who performed the mesh removal / neurectomy told me that my implanted mesh is the worst quality of market and recently not reccomended by the European Hernia Advisory Board.

    Reconstruction: Anatomical (Shouldice)

    The surgeon also cleaned a lot of nechrotic tissue.

  • scaredtodeath

    November 29, 2018 at 7:10 pm

    I wish you a fully recovery God bless you

  • scaredtodeath

    November 29, 2018 at 7:09 pm

    Paco can u tell us your height and weight

  • Unknown Member

    November 29, 2018 at 5:51 pm

    Sorry to hear that you had to go through removal. You had to have nerves cut also? Its crazy how surgeons put that hernia repair is a walk in the park and that mesh is a gold standard when it ruins so many lives and causes horrible pain/problems. Surgeons put mesh in patients everyday and know of the severe complications/life altering problems it can cause but I doubt when it comes down to it would they put in in themselves or there mother or father or there daughter or son, heck no they would not! There needs to be more of a choice of surgeons doing suture repairs again and patients not being forced of only having one choice, they used to only do suture repairs years ago and people turned out fine. I never get either why mesh is called a non tension repair when it shrinks and gets cement hard which causes pulling and tension etc. Take it easy as it can easily take up to 1 year to fully heal after removal. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you feel better as time goes by.

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