News Feed Discussions My first visit with a surgeon

  • My first visit with a surgeon

    Posted by Alephy on January 15, 2020 at 12:47 am

    1. US in 5 min after which he said: direct right hernia 2.6 cm second stage therefore no absorbable mesh possible. It is intestine so it could be dangerous eventually

    2. Left side also weak so it could lead to an hernia. If we repair only the right all pressure is on the left, which makes it more likely

    3. He uses polypropylene meshes from Bart. He says they are very good no problem no allergic reactions. He claims in the US they are very well tested and controlled.

    4. If only stiches and recurrence occurs the second operation is more complicated and the risk of nerve damage is higher because of scar tissue. Prob. Of recurrence 30%

    5. Risk of nerve damage is higher with open op than laparoscopy because the nerves are in the surface. He also mentioned that in laparoscopy there is very low probability of nerve damage

    6. He advised laparoscopy with Bart  polypropylene meshes to right and in same procedure he would check the left side. He also mentioned that watchful waiting is not recommended anymore

    7. Recovery after 2 days..after 2 weeks bycicle ok…only stiches 6 weeks no weight lifting

    Next week second recommened this time surgeon

    Alephy replied 5 years ago 2 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Alephy

    January 15, 2020 at 9:51 pm

    Of i also forgot to mention that this guy is supposed to be a specialist…

  • Alephy

    January 15, 2020 at 9:46 pm

    I meant the first US took 30 minutes …

  • Alephy

    January 15, 2020 at 9:44 pm

    I would lIke to hear from some doctors what they make of some of the points eg using still polypropylene meshes? The fact that doctors still undermine side effects? I also would be curious to hear what is normally advised in the even that also the other side is seen weak and at risk of an hernia….can one really see the weakness of the wall from US btw? this was his argument when saying that it might be necessary to do something there too….also does US provide the size of the hernia? The first US I had didn’t mention it and it took 3 min: this time after 5 min always lying down I was given the size etc…I know docs don’t speak against other docs (I have seen that at play in the past) but some object points can be discussed hopefully..

  • Alephy

    January 15, 2020 at 10:53 am

    He also mentioned that one should exercise the muscles to keep them strong but at the same time doing so puts pressure on the hernia…..

  • Alephy

    January 15, 2020 at 9:30 am

    Well he spoke and I knew between the lines what I was hearing…I am sad and angry too….obviously I will not get surgery with him….I would appreciate though some honesty at least eg I can only do mesh and I don’t know long term what might happen…this would be more acceptable and fair…

  • Good intentions

    January 15, 2020 at 8:31 am

    The proposed solution is almost identical to what happened to me, except from a male perspective. Bard Soft Mesh, bilateral laparoscopic implantation, TEP procedure. Released for full activity at ~20 days. Mesh removed three years later.

    I think the the most important thing a person can realize in this situation, if they can afford it, is that if you get a suture repair and it fails you can follow it with a mesh repair. If you get a mesh repair and have problems, you’re stuck with the effects for life.

    Your surgeon was reciting the talking points for the use of mesh over suture repair. I’ll bet that he/she does not really know how their patients are doing now. If you ask for specifics you’ll probably get “I have not heard anything bad”. Tracking costs time and money and might show something disturbing. Best not to know. It’s just today’s reality.

    Good luck.

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