News Feed Discussions NEW! HerniaTalk site coming soon…

  • NEW! HerniaTalk site coming soon…

    Posted by drtowfigh on November 16, 2016 at 8:40 pm

    Hi All,

    We are updating the HerniaTalk platform so that
    a) it is more interactive and yet as user friendly on your smartphone and desktop
    b) we can provide you with easier access to search for specialists in your area
    c) there is improved security and reduction in spammy members

    This will happen with the least disruption in your experience.
    Please feel free to comment on this and let us know what else you want to get from this site and what you think we should take out!
    We will do our best to make this the absolutely best resource for all things hernia!

    Thank you!!!

    drtowfigh replied 8 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Chaunce123

    January 24, 2017 at 7:46 pm

    NEW! HerniaTalk site coming soon…

    A few general ideas for the Hernia forum:

    – Encourage the sharing of more patient testimonials and experiences, for the discovery/diagnosis, pre-op and post-op stages of care. Those type of reports can be very helpful to other patients.

    – Perhaps there could be an expert hernia surgeon list for city/state/country added to the site? I know that American Hernia Society and European Hernia Society can be good resources to locate surgeons, but a separate patient centric list would certainly be valuable. Many patients are seeking experts in specific types of procedures; open, tissue, laparoscopic, perhaps such a list could improve the connection between experienced doctors and patients.

    Anyway, this forum is a great resource for patients, thanks for providing the service.

  • drtowfigh

    January 23, 2017 at 5:22 pm

    NEW! HerniaTalk site coming soon…

    Thank you!


    We currently have that capability. There is a SEARCH bar on the bottom of the page.
    However, on the next platform, we will make it much more prominent and on the top of the page.

  • idoncov

    January 23, 2017 at 3:13 am

    NEW! HerniaTalk site coming soon…

    It would be nice to have keyword search capability. A search on keyword(s) would return all comments from any thread that contained the word.

    I often find an interesting comment but have to read all the threads to find it again because the title gives no clue to a comment someone made.

  • mela414

    November 17, 2016 at 1:13 am

    NEW! HerniaTalk site coming soon…

    All great ideas. Private messaging is utilized on other support forums and works well. Date and time on posts definitely helps! How about an area for members to post hernia images such as MRIs , CT scans , surgical images just as references for others to scroll through. You already have a surgeon database so that helps.

  • Momof4

    November 16, 2016 at 11:58 pm

    NEW! HerniaTalk site coming soon…

    First things first, this already is the best resource for all things Hernia!!! I liked the look of things better when the date of post and reply were shown. Made it easier to keep track of what you had read. The easy access to information on specialists close to home sounds great. I, as a patient, have found this forum so helpful with great advice and support and also helping me to have meaningful discussions with my doctors. You are a blessing to us all. Thank you!!

  • seeker

    November 16, 2016 at 8:57 pm

    NEW! HerniaTalk site coming soon…

    Could you add private messaging among members? Other forums have this feature for members to use for more personal postings that would not be of use to the hernia community – but that offer support never the less. It is similar to the physicians having the ability to communicate privately between themselves.

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