I recall reading that “inguinal disruption” can sometimes be described as a ‘thinning’ that is observable in the groin on ultrasound, you may want to read a bit about Dr Ulrike Muschaweck (leading German hernia surgeon) or perhaps even inquire directly with their clinic.
Where exactly is the bulge? Is it in the region that a standard groin hernia would appear?
You might also try sending any CT/MRI images to a hernia specialist to review them directly, as many doctors just look at a radiologist report and do not look at the images themselves. Furthermore, many radiologists reviewing a CT/MRI may not note a hernia or even see one. Dr Shirin Towfigh is well known for reviewing images herself, for example.
For finding a true hernia specialist you may need to travel out of state. I know it sounds bizarre that even in major cities many do not have a true hernia specialist, but our medical system has determined that hernias are part of the “general” surgery category and so there is very little specialization if a doctor does not directly seek out that specialization themselves out of a direct interest in hernias. Personally I think that is an industry reform that should happen sooner than later, every hospital/facility should have designated hernia surgeons to master the craft through repetition and thousands of procedures, rather than assign them randomly across hundreds of surgeons who may only do a few repairs a year… but now this is getting off topic 🙂