News Feed Discussions No mesh surgeon recommendation in Tucson? Albuquerque?

  • No mesh surgeon recommendation in Tucson? Albuquerque?

    Posted by Dill on February 10, 2019 at 7:50 pm

    Hi, I have to have inguinal surgery–female. Hernia has gotten quite large. Do not want mesh am going to have to travel because no one here (Central Illinois) will do no mesh. I am researching places where I have a place to stay to recuperate. Is there a recommended surgeon in Tucson or Albuquerque?

    Dill replied 5 years, 6 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Dill

    August 20, 2019 at 12:49 am

    I did as Dr. Brown suggested and looked for a surgeon close to 60 because they have been trained in no mesh. I found one who was 58–a general surgeon with a good rep. We talked about what I wanted he said it was reasonable. I had the surgery last week and so far it seems good. I had to call around a lot to find him, so I encourage people to look more locally. This wasn’t exactly in my town but an hour away. BTW it isn’t recommended to put mesh in youth–so that’s another thing–some of the older docs end up operating on youth because some of the younger ones don’t know that stitching.

  • Tino_7

    August 19, 2019 at 5:13 pm
    quote kls007:

    If I’m not mistaken I believe Dr. Paul Szotek in Indianapolis, Indiana practices in “non mesh” repairs. Alot closer to home than Tuscon.

    Yep, from central IL to Indianapolis is probably 4 hours, 5 tops. Much closer. Dr. Grischkan in Cleveland is about double that driving time.

    Both are experienced in a variety of repairs.

  • kls007

    February 13, 2019 at 1:42 am

    If I’m not mistaken I believe Dr. Paul Szotek in Indianapolis, Indiana practices in “non mesh” repairs. Alot closer to home than Tuscon.

  • DrBrown

    February 12, 2019 at 9:47 pm

    Dear Dill.
    Mesh did not become popular until the late 1980’s. Try to find a local surgeon who is about 60 years old, he/she would have trained before mesh was available and he/she should be able to offer you a non-mesh hernia repair.
    Bill Brown MD

  • Good intentions

    February 11, 2019 at 5:10 am

    There is also Dr. Petersen in Las Vegas. He is known more for mesh removal but he also does hernia repair, among other procedures. His group can put together a whole travel and stay package. He does non-mesh repair.

    I’m not sure but I think that Dr. Brown’s group can also help with travel and boarding. dog just had his hernia repaired by Dr. Brown. Search for dog’s posts and you will find a lot about Dr. Brown.

    And, of course, Dr. Towfigh’s practice might also have advice for a short stay. Ironically, because she is the administrator of the site, we don’t talk much about what happens there. [USER=”935″]drtowfigh[/USER]

    Good luck. Put the time, effort, and money in to it as if you wanted it to last for 50 years.

  • Good intentions

    February 11, 2019 at 5:00 am

    There were some posts recently about a surgeon in Scottsdale. You would probably be better off to choose the best surgeon for your problem, and to stay in a hotel or BnB after traveling for the surgery, even paying to have a friend or relative stay with you. Pick the best surgeon, I would say, and arrange around them. I tried to compromise for convenience and to stay in my insurance plan when I had my hernia repair and it was a big mistake. I should have done what my research told me was the best surgery option for me, not tried to put a whole project together. The surgeon and the surgery is the most important part.

    Here are the links about the Scottsdale surgeon, if you just have to go to that region to get it done. Post #5 is a copy from some correspondence that dog had with Dr. Repta.

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