Pain along Linea Alba while talking
I have been in pain for about 20 years. I have had a umbilical hernia repaired about 15 years ago. I’ve had a colonoscopy and endoscopy recently with a small hiatal hernia of 1 cm present. An MRI and CT scan done with no indication of a hernia. I’ve tried nerve blocks with no success. I’ve seen about 50 doctors about this. They all tell me there’s nothing they can do for me. They say I have diastasis recti. I believe I have a hernia above my umbilical that they can’t see. I can’t even blow up a balloon. It’s to painful. I can’t talk loud, sing or yell without having pain and feeling nauseous. I like to stay active as I am a 42 year old male father of two. I’m physically fit but can’t do a lot of exercises due to my condition. I asked for my surgeons to please at least look inside through exploratory surgery. But they will not. The doctors are not taking me seriously. I’m looking for the best hernia specialist out there. I waiting for a referral to clear for an ultrasound. But if anyone has any advise I’m all ears. My 5 year old daughter asked me to read her a book the other night. But it brings on way to much pain. I always have to have my wife read to her. The pain is getting worse. I need help. Thank you
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