News Feed Discussions Plug + Patch Removal (always a triple neurectomy?)

  • Plug + Patch Removal (always a triple neurectomy?)

    Posted by Jordan Fitz on May 3, 2021 at 3:39 pm


    I’ve previously consulted with a great Dr. who spent a good deal of time with me. I’m currently watching and waiting to see if mesh removal is the move for me.

    Question for plug removal surgery; is TRIPLE NEURECTOMY going to happen 100% of the time?

    1. Can a surgeon peel nerve / save nerves?
    2. Can nerves even be seen by surgeons?
    3. I’ve read countless online articles on “aftermath” of neurectomies and mobidities seem to be frequently worse than just “sensory loss.” Can someone confirm / deny this?
    4. What nerve is the worse to cut? Which nerve(s) can be saved by skilled sugeon?
    5. Partial plug removal a possibility in order free up some space / save nerves?

    Thanks in advance! Sorry everyone is going through pain 🙁

    Ben999 replied 3 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Ben999

    May 22, 2021 at 11:56 am


    I’ve had a UHS removed which I would say is quite similar to a plug and patch in terms of removal, maybe even more difficult.

    The first question, is triple neurectomy performed 100% of times?

    Some surgeon do it prophylactically but from what I’ve read there is no evidence to support that this is the best way to go.

    1.Can a surgeon peel/save nerves

    Theoretically yes but from my case and others I’ve read, once a nerve is affected, it’s usually neurecotmized.

    2.Can nerves be seen?

    Again, theoretically possible. I have a nice picture of my n. ilioinguinalis fused to the mesh. But a nerve could also be too small to see or obscured by something else.

    3. A neurectomy can lead to a neuroma. Basically a nerve growth that is pathological. And these can lead to chronic neuropathic pain.

    4.I don’t think there are any inherent differences between nerves in this regard. It probably depends on your anatomy and how the plug and patch is located.

    5. Partial removal is definitely possible

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