News Feed Discussions Poor post-op recovery care and discharge instructions vague–is recovery typical?

  • Poor post-op recovery care and discharge instructions vague–is recovery typical?

    Posted by JHue on August 22, 2018 at 8:10 am


    Seven days ago, I had robotic mesh surgery, by a general surgeon, on the right side (for an Inguinal hernia). In recovery post-op, I was being given constant bags of IV hydrating fluids; however, I was not able to start a urine flow while lying down with a urinal. (I was bearing down rather strongly to get a stream started until I realized this might not be wise on the repair.) Finally, I asked for help to stand and was immediately able to almost fill a urinal. I’d appreciate any feedback, especially professional or patient experienced, on (1) whether it may be wise to ask for an ultrasound upon my follow up visit to verify no tearing of the mesh stitching was done by me. (Although I did not check the following immediately after surgery, the area where the mesh was placed–7 days later–seems to be a bit higher than the other side though more so after walking for 10-15 minutes; I can also feel internal pressure with my fingertips when coughing, not entirely like before surgery. (2) Does it take a period of time for the repaired area to build up tissue thickness to prevent pressure from coughing to feel almost like before surgery, but not actually like before. I am of concern that while I was trying for about 30 minutes in post-op to start a urine stream, I may have done some tearing of some sort–I was in a bit of haze and just knew I had a lot of fluids going in (IV and orally) and none urinated. (On day 4, I took a 15 minute walk around the neighbor (about half the time I normally walked before surgery), and the next day I notice bruising over the repaired area (not where the robotic instruments were inserted several inches above the area of repair). (3) Have other forum peers had this experience of bruising over the repair area–It looks like streaks, maybe where the stitching was done. About bruising, I was not given any instructions upon discharge except related to limited weight lifted and no driving for a certain period. I was not informed about using ice; and since I did not have any bruising or swelling at first, I did not expect it to occur over the next few days after surgery. However, on the third day after surgery, my scrotum swelled and turned purple over night; likewise, my penis swelled at the base and turned purple (except the head). Today, the discoloration seems to be a bit going away with the penis (starting near the base) and the swelling is gone, including the scrotum though the later is still completely purple. Of important note, I had some pain in urinating yesterday (when the penis was a bit swollen), which I surmise was due to the swelling or bruising in the urinary track, too–better today. I’ve been using ice about every 4 hours a day over the last couple of days for about 20 minutes–I’m not feeling pain, but ice does lessen discomfort. (4) I have an orthopedic bed. Is it alright to keep my legs and head a bit elevated? (5) I’ve had nocturnal erections per normal hormonally without any pain upon awaking–at first I thought it might be potentially not a good thing for the repaired area.. (I’m not sexually active so not issue there in risk.) (6) I’ve been using naproxen (prescription strength) that can thin the blood; however, my doctor’s nurse did not think this was an issue–I use it for a chronic spinal issue. The nurse’s (for the general surgeon) did not give any detailed information–asked if was wearing “tightly whites?” I said, no and said in fact the sweat pants wear I was wearing around the house are rather tight as well; however, she did say whether this was good or not. When asked about whether I was using ice, I replied I was not told to do so–it just seemed practical to me once I saw the swelling and bruising. (7) Should the bruising discoloration start to go away–my scrotum is almost the deepest of purple though less swelling, about normal? (7) I shortened my walk today–about 10 minutes–after not walking for distance yesterday. (8) On last thing, I enjoy playing guitar, which is a very light model; however, I noticed after setting straight for about 20 minutes my side (of the surgery) hurt a bit, not painful but maybe lightly stretching that area. Is this an issue with mesh surgery? I decided to wait a few days–would longer be advised. Thanks for letting me place these things before the forum–I am especially concerned about bearing down to try to get a urine stream started in the recovery room. (9) One last thing, my belly (in between the hernia and where the instruments were inserted, seems to be a bit painful in the morning, like muscles overworked. Best of health to all and thanks for replies to any numbered point–JHue. Addendum: Evidently, while sitting in writing this post, after I finished I used the bathroom and the right side of the penis was swollen.Is this back-and-forth swelling/reduction typical for the first part of recovery? I also had the same pain while urinating several minutes ago that was gone when swelling was reduced yesterday. Thanks any feedback you may provide this or any of the above points–going to use some ice before bed–JHue.

    JHue replied 6 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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