News Feed Discussions Possible Hernia?

  • Possible Hernia?

    Posted by Gymnastmom2011 on December 24, 2019 at 2:04 pm

    Good Morning!

    I am a 36 year old female, who up until recently was extremely active. My journey started in May of this year. I’ve always been very active, with boot camp workouts, mountain biking, running, etc. One day I felt pain that lasted a few days on my pubic bone. I then started feeling lower abdominal pain only on right side. The pain got so bad, I went to ER where they did ultrasound and CT Scan and told me it was just a small ovarian cyst. I followed up with gyno who said it could be endometriosis and also suggested I go to Gastelro dr. Gastro dr said could be IBS. All summer long I was going back and forth to drs, and hospitals bc this pain has gotten worse. I’ve had colonoscopy, numerous internal ultrasounds, CTs and each time my doctors say there is nothing wrong with me. I went to psychologist bc my GP eventually told me he thinks its psychosomatic. I even had one ER dr tell me to go home and relax and have a glass of wine it’s just stress.

    My symptoms are burning and dull achy pain in the sides of my lower abdomen, and groin, my right side now has this burning tingling feel going down hip and front of thigh. When I lay on my back I’m just about pain free, so when doctors are feeling my stomach and asking it it hurts, it never does. It hurts when I’m standing or sitting upright for a long time and gets worse by end of day, to where I just have to go home and lie down.

    I went to a different doctor, and he asked if anyone suggested to me a hernia. He doesnt treat hernias, so I found a general surgeon in my area who said it could be a sportsman hernia and ordered an MRI, I’m waiting for approval from my insurance co. I dont want to get my hopes up bc this is basically the last thing I can think it is, so if it’s not a hernia, I would have to start all over again. Would a surgeon who treats hernias know to look for hidden hernias? Would I be out of line by suggesting he look for one? Any tips or guidance is appreciated. This has greatly impacted my life and my family’s. The financial strain, and not being able to be active with my husband and daughter and do the things I was able to do with them this time last year is heartbreaking. Thank you for reading this. Happy Holiday’s

    drtowfigh replied 5 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies

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