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  • Post-Op Concern

    Posted by DLH451 on May 17, 2018 at 1:53 am

    Hello, I’m really glad I found this site as it has tons of informative information. I do have a question/concern about my recent hernia repair surgery.

    I’m a 35 yr old male and had an laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair performed a little over a week ago (May 7th).

    My question is after this surgery I still have what looks exactly like a hernia (buldge) in the same area as the one that was “repaired”. Is this normal after hernia surgery? Could it be swelling or more than likely a failed repair?

    I’ve followed my recovery instructions to a T and avoided constipation, I’m walking daily, and no heavy lifting. Could it have already failed this quickly?

    My recovery has been pretty easy, but I’m still having dull aches and pain in my groin area where the hernia was/is, especially when I’m on my feet for very long or move a certain way.

    I kind of feel like I did when I would have a bad hernia pain day pre-surgery, and that has me very concerned and scared that the surgery was unsuccessful. I’m still young and active and I’m worried to death that my life is about to change for the worse.

    I have a post-op with my surgeon scheduled on the 23rd but I’d really like some information if anyone else had this problem too.

    Thanks so much for your all’s time and wish everyone luck who has had this surgery performed. Thanks so much.

    DLH451 replied 6 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • DLH451

    May 19, 2018 at 11:51 am

    I”ll see if they’ll give me the records you mentioned. I truly believe this was a botched surgery as it had failed in just a day or 2.

    This “seroma” as he calls it acts EXACTLY like a hernia. It pretty much disappears when I lay down, I have little to no bulge when I first wake up, and the swelling appears when I stand for a bit.

    I’m so mad. I had no issues before the surgery and now I have constant dull pains in my groin. Unfortunately he was referred to me by my physician and highly recommended (which now I believe is called the buddy system).

    I’ve contacted quite a few hernia clinics and no one will talk to me because another surgeon did it.

    I don’t know what to do, because I obviously don’t trust this guy cutting me back open, and I have no option to get this fixed. I’m so worried my life is ruined.

  • Good intentions

    May 18, 2018 at 5:30 pm

    Get a copy of your medical records. From the facility where the operation was done and from your surgeon’s office. There might be some details there that will help.

    Get a second opinion. Although, I’ve found that sometimes surgeons will easily assume that the “other guy” screwed something up. They can be competitive. Still, worth doing. Did you choose your surgeon or just accept the referral from your physician?

  • DLH451

    May 18, 2018 at 11:25 am

    Unfortunately this “swelling” does seems to reduce when I lay down, just like the original hernia did.

    He never mentioned if it was direct or indirect.

    I’m pretty sure he’s botched my surgery and now I’m having a constamnt dull ache in my groin that isn’t going away.

    I think he’s crippled me, and he’s been very vague to me about the procedure so I cannot answer all those questions. God help me I have a sweet 4 year old dauighter and I’m never going to be able to have fun with her again.

    I was never in much pain until this surgery…I would advise against anyone doing this surgery unless it’s necessary.

  • Good intentions

    May 18, 2018 at 2:51 am

    It sounds like you had a direct hernia. You might recall from before the surgery if yours reduced when you laid down and reappeared when you were standing. If it is just swelling it won’t reduce like the original hernia used to. My direct hernia bump, in the initial stages, would disappear when I laid down. It might be a clue that can reduce some stress for you.

    Can you give more details on the procedure? TAPP or TEP, bilateral, type of mesh, direct or indirect hernia, etc.

  • DLH451

    May 17, 2018 at 11:57 pm

    I finally got in to see the surgeon. He basically said he thinks its swelling and a possible seroma, but that he can’t rule out a failed repair. He is going to see me at the end of the month and see if lump is smaller and go from there as far as imaging.

    I’m really disheartened to think my surgery may have failed so fast, and all the pain was for nothing, and now I have a long road fixing it.

    I just can’t believe a hernia repair mesh would failnthat quick. He did mention that the surgery went very well and that he used 2 tacks to reinforce the mesh.

    I guess we’ll see.

  • DLH451

    May 17, 2018 at 11:55 am

    Thanks for the reply! I wrote a response to your message but it was flagged as spam for some reason.

  • DLH451

    May 17, 2018 at 3:35 am

    Thanks so much for the reply!

    I’m currently not taking any pain medications other than the occasional ice pack.

    Yeah the pain does seem to alleviate if I lay down.

    I never really had severe pain even before the surgery. I’m Not what I’d consider overweight (5’9 160lbs), basically I just had the classic symtoms of a hernia (bulge in groin area that started to get bigger and discomfort after being on my feet for long hours).

    Surgeon seems to think I was born with it but it didn’t rear it’s head until this year.

    Side note I actually had 2 inguinal hernias repaired same day, but the left one was REALLY small and I dont seem to have any issues with that one post-surgery, only the larger right side is still symptomatic.

    I contacted one of my surgeon’s nurse, but she was rude and offered no advice other than I need to wait until my post-op appointment.

    I expect some post surgery pain, but the fact I still have a visible bulge on the right side has me somewhat concerned.

    Thanks again 🙂

  • Chaunce1234

    May 17, 2018 at 3:02 am

    I have read a lot of similar reports on these, and my assumption is that after a week out it is not unusual to still have pain, discomfort, and swelling in the area of surgery. As for the swelling itself, it’s conceivable to be inflammation or fluid accumulation as the body heals from the surgery. But I am not a doctor, so this is just my best guess.

    Are you taking anything for the pain, like advil or? Does laying down alleviate the pain? What was your pain like pre-surgery?

    If you are particularly concerned, you should reach out to your surgeon for a sooner appointment, or talk to the advice nurse for advice. Otherwise I would not worry too much, the majority of hernia surgery patients do great.

    Best of luck and keep us updated on your case and progress!

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