Post Op Experience :Laparoscopic Left Inguinal Surgery
I’ve received a great deal of useful info on the various posts in this forum so I thought I’d start a post regarding my post op experience as it occurs so that it may benefit future readers Also it possibly allow me to get advice if there are any future issues. Note I am an engineer so my posts may be a little anal 🙂
Background: Atlanta, Ga, Late 50’s, 5′ 11″ 210 lbs active male, retired last year. Diagnosed with a Left Inguinal Hernia at a general physical a about a month ago. I’ve noticed a small lump for the last year of so but no real pain.
Poured over the posts in this forum, other forums and watched numerous videos. Submitted one post on Surgeon recommendation in Atlanta GA area. Used a combination of American Hernia Society website, General Internet searches and Amino (the free option) and settled on a surgeon, had the initial consult, asked 15 or so questions and decided to go with selected surgeon to have TEP Laparoscopic surgery with mesh.
Had the surgery today 9 Apr at 7:30 am.
From a prep standpoint other than spending the past week or so doing every manual labor chore I could think of my only real prep was to go on a stool softener about 3 days prior and ate a lot of fiber/vegies. I struggle with constipation so I generally am on a high fiber diet anyway but generally don’t require a stool softener.
Enough background and on to day 1 experience:
Surgery was pretty seamless. Had it at a Ambulatory surgery center. Showed up at 6:00, in pre-op at 6:40, General Anesthesia applied at 7:35, First recollection of being coherent again at 8:40, out the door at 10:00
No issues whatsoever with nurses, Anesthesia Dr, Surgeon etc . As discussed in the consult this Surgeon does not use a catheter, he had me void about 5 minutes prior to getting knocked out.
Post op Surgeon discussion with the wife notes were: No abnormal issues, hernia was direct, had an opening the diameter of a 50 cent piece and a sack the size of a small lemon. He said my bladder was definitely empty and as such I was not able to urinate after waiting an hour so home I went. Was given narcotic prescription and a stool softener. Not the facility had a Pharmacy in the same building which was really nice.
Home for about 5 hrs now. Drank a bunch of water to re-hydrate and was able to urinate at about 1 pm. Started slow food-wise with crackers etc and am now on the fiber/roughage train.
Pain-wise I have:
Zero incision pain whether sitting, standing or walking
Zero hernia site pain when sitting in recliner, Pain at about a 1 or 2 when I get up and are walking around, pain at a 2 or 3 if I need to cough, pain at a 1 or 2 the first couple of times I urinated (from slight pushing) Seems to be better now. Luckily thus far no sneezing
Minor sore throat I’m assuming is due to breathing tube.Generally my game plan has been to sit in recliner and ice for 45 minutes or so then walk around the house for 10 min or so. Feeling a little better now so I’ll probably sit at a desk for something different and do some web surfing.
Drug-wise I’m leery of the Narcotics but Dr does not want me to take Advil on first day (I’m assuming due to blood thinning properties) so I took one narcotic pill at 2 pm and may or may not take another before I go to bed then hopefully switch to Advil and/or Tylenol tomorrow.
Long post but that’s it for day 1 thus far. Will plan to walk more tomorrow and maybe try stairs. No regrets thus far
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