Proper experimental design. Oversimplifying.
I came across what looked like an interesting paper but it has a major flaw, in that the authors have mixed mesh device makers. They are assuming that a lightweight mesh from one device maker is similar, except for weight, to a heavyweight mesh from another. It’s a shame because both device makers have light and heavyweight devices, probably from the same material, and similar knits. Beside that, it’s surprising that a referee did not catch this in review. Another sign that people are still over-simplifying these materials, despite the different knit patterns and shrinkage rates. The authors have boiled all of the potential differences down to g/m^2. The level of research expertise, as far as material characterization, could be improved dramatically.
It seems also that they were so focused on the comparison that they barely discussed the very large discomfort numbers, of 18.1 and 28.7%. Lightweight was “better” but still pretty bad. Heavyweight is terrible, at one year. Table 2 in their paper summarizes their data best. Pain numbers are also reported but I don’t really understand their reporting method.
90 g/m2, Bard™ Flatmesh, Davol
28 g/m2, ULTRAPRO™, Ethicon
“Chronic pain, discomfort, quality of life and impact on sex life after open inguinal hernia mesh repair: an expertise-based randomized clinical trial comparing lightweight and heavyweight mesh.”
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