News Feed Discussions Recently did left inguinal surgery. But now having pains on my right groin

  • Recently did left inguinal surgery. But now having pains on my right groin

    Posted by Nuts on June 23, 2019 at 11:33 am

    I recently did an open inguinal hernia surgery without mesh on my left side ..the reason being my doctor advised to do it as I was trying to get pregnant I’m only 24 years and now after 4 weeks I’m having a pain on my right side it bothers me because I never had this pain before the surgery. Me and husband have decided to try for kids after surgery as it’s been 4 years since we are married and we are desperate for a baby.i m just scared of the thought of another surgery but now I’m having pain on the right side on my groin which comes goes and when I lie down and rest the pain goes. Pls help me I haven’t consulted my surgeon about the pain yet as I just want to get pregnant and have a baby and be done as I dont want to delay but I’m scared whether pregnancy can worsen this pain Pls help me what should I do? Also Is it too early to take an ultra sound scan because still my groin is numb from surgery and I’m scared to take one because sometimes the person taking ultrasound is rough and pushes and pinches the groin.

    DrBrown replied 5 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • DrBrown

    July 9, 2019 at 5:17 pm

    Dear Nuts.
    The next step is to determine the etiology of the pain on the left.
    Work with your doctor. Once a diagnosis is made, you can make an informed decision on how to proceed.
    Bill Brown MD

  • inguinalpete

    July 8, 2019 at 6:38 pm

    The mesh acts as a black hole pulling surrounding tissues towards it, even across to the other inguinal canal. Lightly massaging the non mesh side and doing exercises for pubalgia has helped me a lot.

  • Nuts

    June 24, 2019 at 3:16 am

    Ok but if at all I hv a hernia do you think I can delay the surgery I cant even think of going through another one…I have read that many ppl delay their hernia surgeries…until after their done with their pregnancies as pregnancy itself can cause hernias pls throw some light on these issue.if I do have my second surgery done what if pregnancy can cause the hernia to come back. I’m very scared about the thought of this. Also I’m having pain on my right side nd also my hips sometimes. [USER=”935″]drtowfigh[/USER] is it true I can take an ultra sound after my hernia surgery also pls throw some light on my issue doctor

  • PeterC

    June 23, 2019 at 5:51 pm

    Hey Nuts, Dr. Towfigh recently replied to another thread telling them ultrasound imaging cannot make any existing injury worse. From what I understand any significant pain during ultrasound is just another indicator that there is something going on there but it’s not actually making anything worse or even causing an injury. I’ve had my share of ultrasounds and its normal that they push/apply pressure.

  • patient

    June 23, 2019 at 4:12 pm

    First of all I am not an expert or a doctor, so this is just my opinion, it seems when you have a hernia in one side it’s most likely you are going to develop a hernia in the opposite side.
    Tell your doctor you want to have kids and this might impact in the solution he/she approach it.

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