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Recurrence with incisional hernia – living a nightmare
Colt replied 5 years ago 7 Members · 26 Replies
quote cshelter:The result was I had a recurrence. And a large incisional hernia that extended to my iliac crest.
Hello [USER=”3118″]cshelter[/USER] I read your post and can not tell if you had a 2nd surgery that resulted in a hernia, or are waiting to have a 2nd surgery to fix a recurrent hernia, and, maybe, a new incisional hernia.
If you’ve “just” had a recurrence from a failed Desarda procedure that would be different than if you have a new hernia. Dr. Brown and Dr. Kang are well-versed in the methods of suture-based repairs. Maybe they can help. If you could give a clear summary of your condition now, that would help. Good luck.
[USER=”2042″]Jnomesh[/USER] not sure why my reply to you is unapproved. Maybe an admin can help?
Hi Jnomesh
Since it is technically pertinent to this discussion I will name the technique of the original surgery — Desarda.
The 2nd surgeon was Dr Grischkan in Cleveland. In my “backyard” and I didn’t realize it. Apparently he is successful via referrals, not AdWords. I told his staff I would be happy to help him with his website’s exposure, so maybe others would have more options available to them. I much rather would have done it close for obvious reasons, and since his technique sounds like a better approach with less tissue damage.
I would love it if the Dr’s could weigh in — I am considering flying out to CA to see Dr. Towfigh, I was encouraged when I read this comment from her on another post, and really it’s been one of the few encouraging things I’ve seen and I am hanging on to: “Most importantly: there is a cure. Don’t lose hope. Whatever the problem, it can be fixed. Continue to be your own biggest advocate.”
I just got back from my therapist, and he thinks the pentagabin is affecting my mood and thoughts, and I agree… but the alternative is the unbearable pain which seems to be mostly from the IN. My back, side, groin and thigh all get going and it’s too much.
Hi. Sorry you see going through this nightmare and understand what you are going through pain wise and frustration wise.
before I had my inguinal mesh surgery I had immense groin pain with burning and heaviness over a 15 month time span I saw 3 hernia surgeons, had multiple physical check for a hernia and MRI’s and Cat scans that showed no hernias-However, 15 months later a surgeon finally said I had a hernia upon physical exam and get this when he went in to operate he found 2 hernias a direct and indirect. This explained why I felt to different sensations in my left groin with close proximity.i will let the doctors weigh in on what are some steps you can take but I’m pretty sure before I’d get a triple neurectomy id first get nerve blocks one by one for the 3 nerves is the groin as the can be used diagnostic purposes as well as a predictor how well you would do with neurectomy (s).
Given your experience I can imagine it’s hard to figure out to trust.
you mentioned you flew to get your non mesh repair so I imagine that means you went to someone who specializes in non mesh repairs.
i noticed you did not choose to mention any of the surgeons names but I do think it may be helpful for other readers if you did-(but totally understand if you don’t want to)
it amazes me that in my case and in yours that our hernias went undiagnosed.
i has a vericocele surgery in the same side before I had the hernias and you had your first hernia repair and I wonder if scar damage from not he surgeries can interfere with and make it more difficult for hernias and recurrences to be seen.hopefully some of the surgeons will weigh in on all these matters.
i do find it very disturbing that your non mesh repair failed and failed fast-that’s why personally I am interested who did the first repair and also who did the second repair and said you had no tissue there.
you would think a large recurrence would show up on a scan or be somewhat visible.
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