News Feed Discussions Remove or not to remove, IPOM Mesh

  • Remove or not to remove, IPOM Mesh

    Posted by S Dagistanli on August 16, 2020 at 11:51 am

    Hello dear friends,
    i am Shamil Dagistanli from Turkey. In advance i am sorry for my bad English.
    at 04.03.2020 i had bilateral lap operation. At the same day i saw a swelling very similar to my old hernia. i told doctor but he ignored me.
    Anyway i have meshoma at both sides and recurrent hernias both sides. i have been few doctors in Turkey, and one of the most experienced told me that better to remove those old meshes and put there IPOM mesh if we can not save “peritorium”.
    Other one is telling that, i do not have pain cause of nerve damage, and it is not that easy to remove meshes, behind that if we can not save peritonium tissue, ipom meshes may causes some problems, so his offer, we can start operation laparoscopicly, and if we can save your pretorium we can remove mesh as much as possible and make your hernias with new mesh. if we can not save your peritonium we stop lap and we can make your hernias anterior with mesh.
    i feel really desperate about what to do. i am in a constant pain, is there someone who had something like in my case? what would be your advice?
    Actually i do not want to make it with new or additional mesh

    Good intentions replied 4 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Good intentions

    August 16, 2020 at 4:28 pm

    Dr. Slooter has been mentioned on the site before. Here is a thread about him, below, and another surgeon, Dr. Conze.

    Search through the site, most of the surgeons that are known for mesh removal and hernia repair have been discussed in the past on the forum. There is a Search bar at the upper left of each page.

    It would help you to know the type of mesh that was used, I think.

    Mesh excision Germany

  • S Dagistanli

    August 16, 2020 at 3:43 pm

    Thank you for your reply, I had my operation 04 March 2020. i also think to reach some doctors in Europe, but right now i can not get visa because of pandemic conditions.

    Which doctor would be your suggestion?

    I tried to reach some of them but it seems they do not remove mesh laparoscopicly, or i miss understood. as like dr Muschaweck and dr Conze.

    Actually I got an invitation for my visa from dr Slooter and dr Scheltinga

  • Good intentions

    August 16, 2020 at 2:17 pm

    Bilateral mesh implantation is very common. It is almost the standard for laparoscopic mesh repair today. And successful mesh removal without destroying the peritoneum is also common. The fact that you’ve had a recurrence on both sides almost suggests that “incorporation” of the mesh did not happen as it is supposed to. It’s only been four months, but it should have “locked in” to surrounding tissue within weeks.

    Your surgeon seems to be anticipating the worst case. There are surgeons in Germany that can and do remove mesh successfully, maybe you can get over there. I would get a second opinion. Your problem is not unusual. A surgeon that removes mesh as part of their practice will have the experience to tell you what you need. Planning for IPOM seems extreme. It has its own set of problems.

    Good luck.

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