robotic mesh removal post op problems
Back in May 2015 I was talked into doing a bilateral hernia repair with 3d max mesh 6×4 on both sides, right femoral, left inguinal. I had no lumps or anything like that on either side nor any pain they were found on a CT scan. The left side was about a half inch and the right side was a little bit over a half inch, I know this now because of medical records. I got told mesh is the gold standard and I would be back on my feet in no time. I then get the surgery and it caused problems I never even had that with time just got worse and worse. They put the mesh in on both sides and fixated it with tacks. I gave myself a good year to get better but the pain was just getting worse and worse so then I knew I had to get checked out, the day after surgery I had numbness on my left side not the right so much but on the left from the crease of my thigh and going down it to. The surgeon said don’t worry about it it will go away in some weeks. Then like I said I gave this a good year to clear up but it never really did, the numbness somewhat went away a little bit but it was still very sore to the touch. So about a year later I get a CT scan to try to figure out what is causing me pain and it showed that the tacks were going into my pubis symphysis on both sides. So I now knew it was the mesh and the tacks doing this and causing me the pain. So I searched around for a surgeon that could help and it took a little while then they went over what could be done. I looked up stuff for awhile myself and never knew that so many people have problems with mesh. when I got the first surgery I was about 165 pounds and im 5’11 so im pretty thin. So then I found the new surgeon to help and I told them I just wanted the mesh removed and the tacks removed and no mesh put back in because I consulted with Dr. Ramshaws office and they explained how when mesh is put in and there for awhile that when they remove it the hernia is usually closed and also that I didn’t want any nerves cut and they said okay that sounds like a plan because I read about neurectomys and it seems people had nothing but problems with them. So they say okay we are going to do it robotically and they explain how it is more precise and better visualization and I agree and we set the date for removal. Then on the day of surgery I show up and he comes back to talk pre op and changes everything around and says im going take all the nerves and put more mesh in and I was like how are you changing all this right before surgery that’s not right, it gives me no time to think about the options when I said over and over I just agreed to have the mesh and takes removed with no cut nerves. He then states well once I go in and take the mesh and tacks out if you are still in pain I cannot go back in and get them which now I don’t think is true so I didn’t know what to do I was sick of being in chronic pain. So this kind of scared me and I opted for just the illioguinal nerve on the left to be litigated and nothing on the right because my left side is the side that hurted badly. Then I get taken back for surgery which lasted about 3 hours or so. I then wake up and I cannot feel neither one of my feet, they felt numb and asleep, I then tell the nurse and she says it is most likely from the positioning from the robot for a long period of time. Then once I grab my medical records a month later it states that the genital branch was cut on both sides. He stated at first that he cut the illioguinal and genital branch on the left and just the genital branch on the right side but when I asked him why isn’t that on the report he took it back saying that no I just cut the gential branch on both sides which I do not believe because its been a different story everytime, plus my left side is so much more numb than the right and its a big difference, I can barely tell any numbness on the right side but the left side I can tell really bad. So it is now 3 months after this surgery and I pretty much feel worse then before. I feel so much weaker in my legs, I have burning sensations in my groin now from the nerves being cut, they think I could have some nerve damage from the postioning because my feet are still numb with a pins and needles feeling. Ive developed pain in the spermatic cord my doctor said there is some sort of cyst type thing now on the left side and my testicle has been very sore. Dr. Towfigh if you can give me any feedback that would be great this has been a long road that I thought would end after having this done. Have you ever seen nerve damage from the robotic surgery? They took the mesh out in one piece does that sound right? First on the right side then we he came to the tacks he left them for the time being then started taking out the left side then he removed it with the tacks and took it out in 1 piece. How long do you think it takes to recover from Bilaterally mesh removal? What does the genital branch nerves do and supply, I never asked for these nerves to be cut. Do you think my feet will get better over time from this from the positioning/have you ever seen this happen? Will the nerves that were cut start to settle over time/I wish I would have not agreed to that. Can cutting those nerves cause the numbness in the legs and the feet or do you think that is from the robotic positioning?Is it possible to that the nerve overlapped another one and it was cut through also, that’s why it feels way number on the left side then right side? Also what can cause the spermatic cord to develop a cyst type thing after mesh removal and how does it go with healing with the spermatic cord does scar tissue grow back over it?Can that cause discomfort and problems or not usually? Sorry I wrote so much, Any insight will be greatly appreciated everyone.
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