News Feed Discussions SAGES 2018 World Conference – All meshes are the same?

  • SAGES 2018 World Conference – All meshes are the same?

    Posted by Good intentions on February 17, 2018 at 9:26 pm

    I was browsing through the topics of the upcoming SAGES conference and I am struck by how all meshes are lumped under one general label of “mesh”. There is a single presentation planned about choices of mesh. All of the other titles refer to “mesh” as a single entity. Despite all of the R&D and marketing efforts of the device suppliers to differentiate and show that their mesh is better, or different, they all still, apparently, look the same to the doctors using them. This shows a lack of detailed knowledge of the materials and explains, to a certain extent, some of the confusion in the field. Just putting “stuff” in to the abdomen that will be there forever. But not really knowing much about it. This has been going on for tens of years. Any doctor that wants to improve knowledge of this damaging area of hernia repair could do the world a great service by examining and understanding the differences between the products and helping push the industry toward improvement. Maybe even learning enough to suggest a better mesh product. Instead of just playing the old Russian roulette game, with one bad mesh bullet in the chamber every time. 1 of 6 chance of chronic pain.

    Just putting in to words what must be obvious to many.

    drtowfigh replied 6 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • drtowfigh

    February 18, 2018 at 1:47 am

    To assure the readership and clarify: surgeons at meetings such as SAGES discuss the pros and cons of all sorts of mesh types. The titles of the talks for this year’s SAGES meeting, for example, are focused on different clinical scenarios, and so the surgeon will discuss the pros and cons of different mesh types and techniques as well as their risks and benefits for each clinical scenario. Choice of mesh is an integral part of what is discussed in each talk. The talks are not limited to a single mesh type.

    In the past, SAGES has had a lot of talks addressing specific mesh types.

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