Scans to detect hernias
Hi all, I am a 48yo female living in Philadelphia. I am trying to figure out what scans (ultrasound/ mri etc) would best detect a hidden hernia. Also a recommendation for a hernia specialist in the Philly area would be great. I had a bilatersl
inguinal hernia repaired 18 years ago and wondering if I sprang another (mini invisible) one or maybe scar tissue is suddenly going nuts because I can feel a really small hard ‘node’ under the surface near my right hip that definitely ‘reacts’ every time I try to lift semi heavy stuff, or bend over wrong, stand in one place too long, even wakes me up when sleeping sometimes. It’s sometimes painful and causes my right leg to feel heavy/tingly/weird. My previous hernia wasn’t painful but had a similar feeling when I’d push it back into its ‘socket’, only this one won’t go in a socket so to speak but hurts when I push and try to minimize it. Already had an X-ray and pelvic/low abdomen ultrasound which looked normal per my GP, and he couldn’t feel the ‘node’ I tried to point out. Thanks in advance for any insight.
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