Second I.H.: surgery or not?
I posted a few days ago about developing a second inguinal hernia on my left side after open surgery @ nine months ago on the right side. I have an appointment with the surgeon in about a month, and naturally, we will discuss scheduling another surgery. At this point, I’m not sure what to decide- I still have occasional twinges, etc. from my first surgery, though I’m assuming it’s going well. Still, don’t like the idea of getting another surgery while sort of waiting for the first one to heal completely. I delayed surgery for @ 3 years with the first one with no problems, before I resolved to get it fixed so I could be free of it. On the other hand, the new one is making a bigger lump than the first one, and it’s giving me some pain, unlike the first one. On the other hand, at present, I have one site where complications (chronic pain, etc.) are a possibility-if I have the second surgery, I will have two potential trouble spots. “Get it done so you can get on with your life” got me through the first surgery, and I suppose it will get me through the second, but it didn’t quite work out that way.
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