Seeking advice
Hello all. I stumbled across this site while doing some internet research and seems like a good place to hopefully find answers to some questions. My situation is this, I had bilateral inguinal hernia surgery in May 2018. The procedure performed was (and I’m quoting this directly from the operative report) transperitoneal laparoscopic repair of bilateral inguinal hernias with large light 3D mesh.
My situation is at approximately 18 months after surgery I’m experiencing what I call a symphony of assorted pains and discomforts. Specifically strong pain in my abdomen, groin, and testicles. The abdominal pain is exacerbated when I lift my hands over my head (swimming really sucks). The groin pain is exacerbated by range of motion exercises (like stretching, yoga, bike riding). The testicular pain is acutely felt when my testicles ascend up into my abdomen (cold weather, vigorous exercise, ejaculation). I began experiencing these pains approximately one year post surgery. At that time I initially went to my PCP who diagnosed my problems as epididymitis. I took two different rounds of antibiotics and didn’t have an improvement. So I went back to the surgeon who performed the operation. He ordered an ultrasound scan which didn’t show anything abnormal.
So, my first question is “what the hell is going on!?!” I’m confused why I’m experiencing greater pain now, a year and a half after surgery, than I did a year ago. What’s even more disheartening is that I’m feeling pain in parts of my body that didn’t hurt before I had the surgery.
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