News Feed Discussions Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

  • Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    Posted by msp651 on January 25, 2016 at 10:44 pm

    Four months ago, while lying down and changing positions, I felt a burst of pain deep in my left groin. It was unlike anything I’ve ever felt. It was brief but severe enough that I yelled out loud. It happened again over the next weeks (while sitting or walking) and escalated from an occasional “catch” in my inner groin to frequent electric-like pain that shoots down my leg.

    I feel a lot of pressure/warmth in my groin/pelvis on both sides, but the severe pain is always on the left. I have a high tolerance for pain, but this is fist-clenching, lamaze-breathing, tears-in-my-eyes pain.

    It’s a stabbing/pinching burning pain that stops me in my tracks, and once it flares up my upper leg and pelvis throb. It’s not crampy, but a dagger-like pain with lots of pressure. It usually starts with that feeling of a “catch” in my groin.

    I’ve had two previous sling bladder sling surgeries after a prolonged labor and vaginal delivery, but I’ve consulted with one of those surgeons, and she said the location of the pain doesn’t match the area that was involved in the surgery. The most recent sling surgery was in 2014.

    I had a pelvic ultrasound to rule out ovarian cysts or fibroids.

    The initial OB/GYN diagnosis was pelvic floor dysfunction, but my urogynecologist was skeptical of that and said she suspected a femoral hernia.

    A general surgeon agreed with that hunch and, based on a clinical exam, said she was nearly certain I had a femoral hernia. (There is no bulge.)

    However, after two more ultrasounds and an MRI showed no sign of a hernia, according to the radiologist, my surgeon backed off the hernia diagnosis and cancelled the scheduled laparoscopic surgery (at least for now).

    (I was lying down for all the scans, though I did some half-situps for the ultrasounds.)

    Now the diagnosis is Meralgia paresthetica, and I’m taking neurontin to help with the pain, which helps a little bit, but it’s still pretty intense and very discouraging.

    The general surgeon has suggested a nerve sacrifice surgery and possibly exploratory surgery to look for a hernia, but she sees that as a last resort. She did a nerve block to try to help diagnose the problem. She’s not ruling out a hernia, but she says if it’s there, it’s tiny and not a threat to my intestines.

    Prolonged sitting or standing/walking trigger the pain. It seems to be worse during my period. (Other info: I’m overweight and in my early 40s.)

    The pain is severely interfering with basic activities right now, and I’m looking lots of places for answers — or ideas for next steps.

    I can’t think of any injury or trauma that directly preceded all of this pain. In the months before the pain first erupted, I did a lot of bike riding and walking, but there was no injury, and the pain didn’t start until weeks later.

    Incidentally, my grandmother and my dad both had hernias.

    Thank you!
    (I live in Minneapolis/St. Paul)

    Momof4 replied 9 years ago 4 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • msp651

    March 3, 2016 at 6:10 pm

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    To offer an update, the likelihood of a hernia seems small. Most likely I am dealing with nerve entrapment related to the sling surgery. I am hoping for relief, possibly through nerve ablation. The pain is excruciating, and I’m hoping for resolution soon.

  • Momof4

    February 23, 2016 at 11:57 pm

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    I feel the same way about this article. My hernia pain matched so many of these symptoms. When I read it three years ago, I actually emailed Dr. Metzger and she kindly answered and helped me find a Doctor that she thought could help. I was told by a local general surgeon that I should wait at least six more months and see if the pain resolved because hernias in women was the newest hot topic on the Internet! I am thankful I found someone else that believed me. Thanks, again, Dr. Towfigh, for bringing this topic to light. You have helped so many!

  • drtowfigh

    February 23, 2016 at 8:28 pm

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    Jane Brody article in New York Times
    About hidden hernias

  • msp651

    February 23, 2016 at 5:36 pm

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    Thank you.

    I read the Jane Brody column about hidden hernias awhile back. I feel like she could have interviewed me — not for every symptom, but for most of them.

  • drtowfigh

    February 23, 2016 at 4:36 pm

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    Anti-inflammatories work the best.

    Advil is great. Aleve is a little more potent.
    Other anti-inflammatories that you can add include
    – ice packs
    – Arnica Montana 30C
    – Bromelain
    – Turmeric
    – Ginger

  • msp651

    February 23, 2016 at 5:56 am

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    Thanks for this forum, by the way.

    I am desperate for a diagnosis. The past four months have been incredibly difficult. Any suggestions for pain relief in the interim? I’m taking neurontin and Advil.

  • msp651

    February 19, 2016 at 3:01 pm

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    Thank you. I have been in contact with Dr. Ramaswamy. I am also trying to shake the feeling that the pain is caused by one of the two bladder slings. (I’m not having other symptoms that would suggest problems with the slings, though, and the urogynecologist is one of the doctors who suspects a hernia.)

  • drtowfigh

    February 13, 2016 at 4:45 pm

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    Don’t lose focus
    Your symptoms are most suggestive of a hernia.
    Not to say you don’t have a prolapse, but don’t get derailed.

  • msp651

    February 10, 2016 at 5:17 am

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    I have held off scheduling with either of them because suddenly I’m dealing with what appears to be pelvic prolapse and plan to consult with the urologist again. (This came up suddenly. There was no sign of a prolapse before.)

    So this leads me to a whole other set of questions. Is is possible for prolapse to cause such severe pain? Could it still be a hernia?

  • drtowfigh

    February 9, 2016 at 7:07 am

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    Typical of hernia.

    By the way, I just saw Dr Ramaswamy this weekend at a hernia conference. She has not yet heard from you. Let me know if there are any problems getting in to see her or Dr Pierce.

  • msp651

    February 3, 2016 at 2:14 pm

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    One more question: The area of the groin crease and just above it are sensitive to pressure. Massaging the area is torture. Typical of a hernia?

  • drtowfigh

    January 29, 2016 at 4:45 am

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    Also try Dr Bradley Pierce.

  • Chaunce1234

    January 29, 2016 at 2:11 am

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    MRI is the best, but nothing definitive other than surgery, and while that is very good, it’s still not 100%. That’s just life – nothing perfect. I’m sure it will all work out for you. Stay tough!

  • msp651

    January 28, 2016 at 10:15 pm

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    Thank you SO much.

    So there’s no nonsurgical way to definitely diagnose such hernias?

  • Chaunce1234

    January 28, 2016 at 4:57 pm

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    Dr. Towfigh is absolutely correct. I highly recommend Dr. Ramaswamy as well.

  • drtowfigh

    January 28, 2016 at 3:39 pm

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    Try Dr Archana Ramaswamy.
    She is a hernia specialist and skilled laparoscopic specialist.
    She is at the University of Minnesota.

  • msp651

    January 27, 2016 at 11:12 pm

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    Wow, thanks for the prompt response. Any suggestions for a doctor in the Midwest, preferably in the Minneapolis area? After reading about Meralgia Paresthetica, I realized it didn’t match my symptoms. By the way, I am no wimp when it comes to pain, but this is excruciating.

  • drtowfigh

    January 27, 2016 at 10:56 pm

    Serious pain, femoral hernia maybe?

    Groin hernias among women can be small, without bulge, yet highly symptomatic. The pain can go down the leg or around the back. It can be worse during the period. Laparoscopy needs to be done with extraperitoneal exploration. Routine laparoscopy misses most of these hernias.

    Meralgia paresthetica is different. It is pain (burning) only at the side of the thigh, not in the front. it is worse with standing. There is no groin pain or pain above the groin crease.

    Your story sounds like a hernia. Small ones can hurt.

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