Still not healed after 1yr Urachal Cyst surgery
Hello, I know this is a hernia forum and technically my surgery was for a urachal cyst and not a hernia but I can’t find help anywhere and I am told that the surgery is very similar. I am hoping someone out there can help. Here is my situation. I am a healthy 45 year old male in good shape with no health issues. About a year ago I developed a urachall cyst that needed to be removed surgically. The wound healed in about a month (or so I thought), however, the wound was infected and they ended up draining out all the infection and giving me antibiotics. In a few weeks, I healed up. Several months later, the wound opened up and started draining. They gave me another surgery which removed excess scar tissue that was caused by the infection.
The wound healed up again in a month and a half – but not all the way. It just kept leaking serous fluid and would not close. They went in again and removed all the tissue. I healed up again in about a month and a half but was basically in the same situation. I really have no pain, and everything looks fine other than the fact that the wound will not close up all the way and continues to leak serous fluid. At this point they are treating me with silver nitrate to burn off hypergranulation tissue every couple of weeks. The surgeon tells me she has no idea why I won’t heal. Now I am looking elsewhere (the web) for answers. Does anyone know what this could be or how I can heal myself? Any help is GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!
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