News Feed Discussions Study: Google search histories of patients presenting to an emergency department

  • Study: Google search histories of patients presenting to an emergency department

    Posted by Chaunce1234 on February 22, 2019 at 8:15 pm

    I came across this interesting study which basically shows that a significant number of patients now present to an ER with a Google search history of their symptoms, treatment, and even the facility/provider.

    This is probably not surprising to many of us, but it’s interesting to note anyway. I would assume a similar study could be demonstrated for patients anticipating surgery, and other medical conditions and visits.

    I think a fair amount of people end up on this forum this same way, after searching Google to learn about their symptoms, condition, and treatment options. You can find stories on this forum where people have nebulous pain, small or hidden hernias, sports hernias, post-hernia surgery pain, complications, mesh issues, or other seemingly mysterious causes of pain that are routinely overlooked or missed with the typical ‘cough test’ approach, then discover through Google there might be a cause for their symptoms after all.

    I wonder if any of this will change healthcare? And how?

    Chaunce1234 replied 5 years, 6 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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