The “Minimal Repair” by Dr Muschaweck is usually used for inguinal disruption / sports hernia type injuries, I am not sure if applies to a regular inguinal hernia. I believe she performs a Shouldice repair for a typical inguinal hernia.
There are supposedly two or three surgeons in the USA who perform the same repair as Dr Muschaweck for sports hernia injuries – Dr Boyarsky in NJ and Dr Litwin in MA, here is a brief article from Boyarsky discussing the injury:…thlete-hernia/
You’d have to reach out to those surgeons and ask them if the same procedure would apply to an inguinal hernia.
“Fascia transversalis repair” to me sounds like it’s describing half of a Shouldice repair, but I am not a surgeon and don’t know enough about the anatomy to assess that.
A Shouldice repair from Shouldice has very good results so it likely remains one of the top options for a mesh-free repair if someone is eligible for it and able to travel to Canada.
Dr Kang on these forums appears to have developed a unique mesh free hernia minimal repair technique with great results as well, but he is based in South Korea so the distance may be impractical for some patients.
With the indirect hernia, there is also the Marcy repair which is usually performed on kids and youth, but some doctors swear it works fine on adults too if the hernia isn’t too big yet and the patient is not obese. There is also a variation which is laparoscopic and does not use mesh, but you’d have to find a surgeon willing to try it on an adult. Obviously there is some debate here.
A direct hernia I think requires repairing the actual floor of the inguinal canal, because it has torn through for whatever reason. I don’t know if that is entirely accurate, but I think it’s accurate-ish.
Desarda repair might qualify as “minimal” to some regard since it’s using your owe muscle as a flap to cover a hernia, whether that makes someone prone to recurrence where the muscle was borrowed from, I don’t know.
Anyway that’s about it for my knowledge, but do share with us what you find, what you hear, and what you decide on.