News Feed Discussions Surgery experience with Dr. Kang

  • Surgery experience with Dr. Kang

    Posted by Mycity33 on June 8, 2019 at 2:39 am

    Hello hernia forum,

    My name is Christoph and I would like to share my experience with no mesh surgery by doctor Kang in Seoul. I am a 62 year old man that did find a bulge in lower groin area well over a year ago after a visit to the gym. Initially hernia was not painful but as time passed I started having pain and therefore have seen surgeon who diagnosed bilateral hernia with left side being medium in size. I was given the option of using hernia underwear or have robotic surgery with mesh. I decided at that time on watchful waiting after reading about mesh complications in this forum.

    With pain increasing earlier this year and hernia bulge growing I felt that time has come for me to look into surgery before things got worse. I started having urinary retention and gastro issues however I wasn’t sure if that was caused by hernia. I made initial contact with Stephen at Gibbeum hospital in order to get waiting time for surgery in case I should need it soon. Weeks later when pain increased during short time frame I inquired about next available opening. That was on Thursday afternoon. To my surprise Stephen replied shortly that I could be seen by Dr. Kang next week on Monday at 9 am. I decided to make the trip to Seoul.

    After making flight reservation I answered questions regarding my condition including details about my visit with local surgeon. I was cleared by Dr. Kang to make the flight and departed on Saturday morning from Portland, Oregon. I arrived in Seoul late Sunday night and checked in at hotel short distance from hospital.

    Monday morning the 20th May I was seen by Dr. Kang. Ultrasound of groin was done and it was determined that I have bilateral direct hernias and one indirect hernia. More tests followed with blood work, urine and lung x-ray to my recollection. Once that was completed I was scheduled for surgery at 2 pm same day. I was shown to the room where I was going to spend the night. In that room were 5 patients awaiting surgery. Each bed has curtains all way around for privacy however most patients did not have bed enclosed. There are lockers in the room for valuables.

    I did walk to surgery room and after preparation before I knew it I was asleep. Maybe that was not a bad thing since I was exhausted from travel day before. After waking up from surgery painkillers did a wonderful job and at same time I did not feel the slightest hint of drowsiness or discomfort which allowed me to spend time reading. Few hours later I had a tasty meal in bed. Later on in the evening pain was definitely present when I lifted my legs to get out and when using the bathroom but mostly gone when at rest.

    Tuesday morning at 10:00 am i was discharged. Earlier I was given medication for constipation and pain with instructions on how to take care of the wound. I was driven to AirBnb by hospital driver where I was going to rest for several days. Stephen was with me to make sure that I arrived safely.

    Next few days were uneventful. Most of the day I enjoyed my comfortable bed since hospital beds are known for not providing good rest. I did walk around apartment multiple times every day and had no issues sitting for extended time for meals. I had pain in groin but it wasn’t too bad. At end of first day I did make a short walk outside and on 2-nd day I did walk further to restaurant for dinner. On 3-rd day after discharge I took one pain killer all day and spent several hours sightseeing. During that day pain increased and in the evening I noticed penis has turned red and dark blue. I was concerned that perhaps things are turning for the worse. I contacted Stephen who made appointment next morning for checkup. It appears that there was no cause for alarm and this new condition will resolve itself with time. I was also told that direct hernia causes more pain during recovery. I had bilateral hernias and perhaps that could explain burning pain at times.

    In order to absorb cost of airline ticket I decided to make this trip to a vacation and planned departure for Hanoi instead of heading home right away. Therefore on 8th day after surgery I did get ultrasound as part of final checkup at which time it was determined that my hernia repair was successful. It was noted that I have fluid buildup in a lower portion of the groin which should resolve with time.

    Today is 19th day after surgery and there is a fine red line where incision was made. The red and dark blue on my private parts have almost disappeared and there is slight occasional stinging in groin area. I can see and feel a small ridge underneath my skin. I do have swelling around surgery site but it has decreased in the last 10 days. My gastro and urinary issues are now almost gone. I walk several miles every day and feel fine.

    This was my first surgery and well worth travel to S. Korea. To have Dr. Kang operate on me who has such good track record in no mesh hernia surgery assured me of good outcome. When I look at other hernia repair techniques I like the fact that my incisions were small which did lead to a quick recovery. I attach scanned pictures which I received at discharge time, they make great souvenir.

    William Bryant replied 3 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • William Bryant

    October 15, 2021 at 8:54 am

    How is the recovery now? And any post operation effects?

  • drtowfigh

    June 12, 2019 at 4:06 am

    Thank you for sharing.

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