News Feed Discussions Surgery web sites that advertise mesh removal

  • Surgery web sites that advertise mesh removal

    Posted by Good intentions on December 6, 2022 at 10:55 am

    Mesh removal seems to be becoming a “normal” part of the surgery business today. Many of the same surgeons that implant mesh are now also advertising mesh removal. It’s a disturbing contrast to doctors like Dr. Kang and Dr. Brown, who saw the damage that mesh caused and stopped using mesh because of it. I wonder if the displacement from the patient as a person is part of the reason. Today’s surgeons are migrating toward seeing the “patient” only as a small image on a video screen.

    Anyway, I did a simple search of “mesh removal” on the internet and found a surprising number of web sites that have mesh removal clearly advertised as part of their business model.

    Here are a few.

    I’m not sure what to think of Dr. Yunis’s page. He seems to emphasize non-mesh repair and mesh removal on the front page but it doesn’t talk about what his preference is for hernia repair. I think that he might still be in the camp that “mesh works if done correctly”. The da Vinci robotic system is front and center.

    DR. Jacob, according to reports on this forum, is a vigorous defender of mesh repair. But mesh removal is in big bold letters on his web page.

    Good intentions replied 1 year, 10 months ago 1 Member · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Good intentions

    December 6, 2022 at 11:27 am

    You’d expect that somebody, somewhere, maybe one of the law firm lawyers, will notice that the same people implanting mesh are also removing it. How can that be? It’s like having cigarette vending machines in a doctor’s office. Or Monsanto owning a cancer clinic.

    On the positive side, the next step from popularizing mesh removal is mesh-caused-chronic-pain prevention. Eventually, also, somebody, hopefully one of these high volume mesh removal surgeons, will call out the fact that the mesh that they are removing has nothing inherently wrong with how it was placed or how the expected “incorporation” process occurred. The product was implanted properly, there was no infection, there was no folding, nerves and new vessels and tissue granulation was happening, but removing the mesh removed the patient’s pain. It doesn’t fit the story.

    It has to happen. It won’t be the mesh producers that make it happen though, the business is too safe at this time. It should be the FDA or the professional societies leading the effort but that is unlikely also. There is a lot of money involved.

  • Good intentions

    December 6, 2022 at 11:16 am

    Dr. Towfigh has mesh removal spelled out on the front page, and a link to click. But the description on the page when you click through seems outdated. Blaming the pain on folded mesh or mesh infection, when the collected data clearly shows, even in Dr. Krpata’s recent Cleveland Clinic video, that perfectly placed uninfected mesh can cause pain. Mesh reaction is the prevalent cause of pain, not very rare. The page needs updating, it is perpetuating a myth. Even the plug removals are not improperly folded mesh, the “meshoma” is a result of perfect plug placement. Just clearly express when mesh is bad. Softening the description helps nobody except the mesh producers. Some mesh is definitely just bad.

    If you click “mesh removal” on the first page you end up on the mesh complications page.

  • Good intentions

    December 6, 2022 at 11:03 am

    Here is Dr. Repta’s web site. He has been mentioned in the past on the forum. I think that he used to be found by word-of-mouth or by exposure on web sites like this one but now he advertises. He is in the category of Dr. Brown and Dr. Kang though. He does removal and non-mesh repairs.

  • Good intentions

    December 6, 2022 at 11:00 am

    Dr. Mark Reiner advertises both “minimally invasive” repair (which means mesh implantation) and mesh removal. You have to click through to find the mesh removal page.

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