(Suspected) Chronic Mesh Infection after Inguinal Hernia Repair – Thoughts/Advice?
Hello all,
I am in need of some help. I apologize for the long read but this is something that has been plaguing my life the last several years and I’ve had no one to talk to about it.
I am a 29 year old male in DFW, TX in otherwise good health and have been suffering from an inguinal hernia since I was about 22.
I remember wearing the same very tight belt around my waist at work, and eventually a quarter-size lump formed under where the belt buckle was. I remember the belt buckle used to kind of dig into my waist and would hurt. I suspected this was somehow related, as the lump was directly where the belt buckle was that was imprinting into my skin, although perhaps it’s coincidental. I quickly ditched the belt.
Every six months or so, almost like clock-work, the quarter-size lump would return with sharp pain. It would be debilitating for days-weeks, but would eventually subside. I put off going to the doctor for quite some time, until finally I had enough of dealing with this every six months (I think it flared up a few times until I finally went to the doctor).
I originally went to a local, walk-in clinic doctor who alleged that I had been there a year prior for the same reason and that he had given me instructions to take some kind of medication and that I did not have a hernia (I didn’t recall any of this; I suspect he was confusing me for someone else, my mother perhaps. As far as I can remember this was the first time I had consulted a doctor on the issue, and maybe only the second time I had ever been to that doctor, and I know it was not for a hernia), and he essentially scolded me for not following his advice, of which I don’t remember him giving in the first place. I never went back to him; he was rude and wouldn’t listen to me. I believe he said that if I didn’t play sports, then I shouldn’t have a hernia and he rushed me out of the office, prescribing some anti-inflammatories. I have never had an experience like that before from a doctor and I was appalled to say the least.
So here starts the real journey:
I eventually consulted with a local general surgeon who said yes, I do have a decent sized inguinal hernia, and we quickly scheduled a repair using Ethicon UltaPro mesh in early 2014.
Everything seemed fine until about 6 months later, when the exact same symptoms arose: quarter-size lump under skin, sharp pain on the site, etc.
I went back to the surgeon who prescribed some anti-biotics. I believe everything was fine for another six months.
The same symptoms arose, only this time an abscess formed with a large buildup of fluid. The surgeon wasn’t able to see me before the fluid discharged, and I’m not sure if he believed me or understood the severity of what I was going through. Needless to say, I was shocked when all of a sudden I felt and saw streams of blood oozing down my penis. I didn’t know that was to be expected and I nearly had a heart attack when I went to use the bathroom.
Each time after this, an abscess would form, each time getting larger and more painful.
I think there was only one time I was able to see the surgeon while I still had a large abscess before it had drained (I wanted him to see it, otherwise I felt like he didn’t believe me as he seemed to brush it off, at one point saying it might “just be a nerve thing”), and he prescribed some more anti-biotics. I had also met with a different walk-in clinic on one of the occasions where my surgeon was not able to schedule me for a visit, and they had given me anti-biotics and a steroid shot.
In 2016, after more symptoms, I went back to my surgeon who performed a debridement on the original surgical site in an attempt to remove the infection. His belief was that I was likely having a reaction to the glue that they used to suture the wound. They used nylon stitches on this procedure.
Of course, six-twelve months later my symptoms were back. I was able to see the surgeon within a day or two after the abscess had drained, so he was able to somewhat sterilize the abscess wound (that’s something I wasn’t able to do before since he was never able to schedule me within 2 or 3 weeks, and the abscess only lasts about 2 weeks before it drains). I was put on more anti-biotics, a lot of anti-biotics, with the hopes that it would knock out once and for all whatever infection there may be. He said if I showed any more symptoms, we may need to replace the mesh with a biological mesh.
Which brings us to today, about a year later, my symptoms are starting to come back. At this point I just don’t know what to do. Do I go back to the same surgeon and just hope for the best with a biological mesh? I’d like to think I am smarter than that and don’t want to repeat history. My instinct is telling me to get this f**king mesh out of my body and don’t put anything else in it, biological or not. I am so scared and have been having suicidal thoughts as obviously that would be much easier to perform with no complications, although I only want to do that as a last resort once all hope is lost.
I am only on the third day of having symptoms, and the abscess is just starting to form. I know I am running out of time before it grows larger and drains. My surgeon, as usual, can’t see me for 2-3 weeks. I am so sick and tired of dealing with this and I feel like I’m alone and no one will listen to me or take me seriously. I don’t want to go on like this for the rest of my life. When the abscess forms, the symptoms are worse than the original hernia was. I can’t stand, sit, lay down, cough, laugh, wear pants at the waist, etc. without severe pain and worrying about popping the abscess (at least before the infection, I didn’t have to do all of this without fear of popping an abscess).
Does anybody know if this sounds like my body is rejecting the mesh? I have searched online plenty of times in the past years but I can’t find any pictures or descriptions that sound exactly like mine.
I know that ultimately I need to consult a doctor, but I want to see if anyone else has had similar experiences or know of anyone who has. In the meantime, I am trying to find experienced doctors in mesh removal or mesh complications, but the few local hospitals I have contacted all say “well the doctor has experience in putting mesh in as well as abdominal reconstruction, so they should be able to remove it.” I haven’t heard anything confident so far, so I am scared and looking for feedback. I don’t necessarily want to waste my time or a surgeon’s time by consulting with them on something I don’t think they have a lot of experience with.
I’m attaching a picture of the last time the abscess formed in 2017 and when it drained (warning: graphic) to see if anyone recognizes if this is a sign of mesh infection.
Can anyone help me and let me know if they think this is a case of an infected mesh or my body rejecting the mesh, and if so, any advice? I am unable to consult with my surgeon for another few weeks, so any feedback is appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
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