Suspected occult hernia, 25F
I’ve had two pelvic MRIs that saw nothing. However, at this point I never knew of occult hernias so I did not tell them to look out specifically for that. Ultrasound came back clear. CT came back clear. After doing my own research, I am very sure I have an occult hernia. I have the exact storyline and symptoms listed in a lot of research from Towfigh. Onset of all my symptoms happened while working as truck unloader at UPS in 2020. I was lifting huge things like wire spools I could not even push off the ground, metal train parts. I was young and dumb.
Symptoms: spasm/twitching in left lower abdomen, especially after sneezing & specific movements but also random sometimes, sharp pain in left lower abdomen & left lower buttocks near sit bone if I take a step too hard/laugh/sneeze, tight band pulling feeling in lower abdomen from side to side but worse on left, can’t sit or stand longer than 5 mins, laying down is also painful but more tolerable, tight band pulling/breaking feeling in left groin/inguinal area, feeling of wetness/pee but not actually leaking it’s as if pee is on the verge of coming out when coughing/laughing/certain movements, trapped gas/having to contort pelvis forward & struggle to release, pulling and numbness near left sit bone depending on position, left vulva pins and needles/burning, burning/pain with penetration, sometimes painful urination, started with heaviness in the perineum and still sometimes feel that heaviness or bulge like feeling, pubic bone pain
Diagnosis: hEDS, pudendal neuralgia, genitofemoral neuralgia, hypertonic pelvic floor disorder, urinary retention, urinary frequency, coccydynia, clitoral paresthesia, degenerative disc disease in lumbar, herniated discs in lumbar
Treatments: pelvic floor PT since 2021 (does not help at all and have gotten so much conflicting information from different providers), nerve block injections in multiple nerves throughout the pelvis and abdomen (did not help), back epidural (did not help), normal PT (did not help), chiropractic (did not help), urogynocology (did not help just performed testing and recommended emsella which greatly worsened pelvic pain)
Anyone with an occult hernia, I’m guessing inguinal or femoral, have these symptoms? Did you do surgery? Did it help years later? Reading some posts here about people wanting to die after getting surgery is so disheartening. I’ve already felt that way due the pain I’m in now that’s existed since I was 22. I’m 25 now and don’t know if there’s anything to look forward to.
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