Swollen/Hard Spermatic Cord After Repair? Recurrent hernia?
I had an indirect inguinal hernia repaired about a week ago on the 14th. This was done as an open surgery. They used a Bard Mesh Perfix Plug and the Rutkow-Robbins technique. I was able to leave surgery and walk the same day with almost no pain at all. After a day or so passed, I noticed that I still had not regained sensation from the incision site downward through the inner thigh. After about four days I also noticed that I had developed what seemed like a hard lump descending down into the scrotum. I went to the emergency room. The ER doctor initially said that it was a recurrent hernia. The ER doc also that the numbness and loss of sensation was likely due to a cut nerve. I had an appointment the next day with a second surgeon. The surgeon said that it was not a recurrent hernia, but rather inflamed or swollen tissue. He did a cough test to determine this and said a scan was unnecessary.
Since then the area has become slightly less hard, but significantly more tender. It feels like a thick cord (probably the diameter of one of my fingers) leading up from the scrotum to the incision site. The pain feels almost like a burning or scratching sensation on the skin above the area (rather than a feeling inside the cord itself, or an ache, or any deep tissues). There isn’t very much inflammation or pain aside from that. No bruising or discoloration, although there was some minor bruising of the scrotum initially. The surgical site seems in good condition without much swelling.
What are all of your thoughts on this. Does this sound like an issue with the spermatic cord? Could it in fact be a recurrent hernia? Has anyone had a similar experience after their surgery?
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