News Feed Discussions Testicle dropping

  • Testicle dropping

    Posted by hanglow on December 11, 2018 at 7:38 am

    I had a Shouldice method repair for Right side Inguinal hernia 4 days ago. While my pain is ok, I am able to walk around and I only have moderate swelling to the groin, my concern is my Right testicle seems to have completely dropped and is sitting at the bottom of a very loose scrotum. Does anyone know if this is normal or temporary or am I am now going to live life with one flapping against my leg.

    Baris replied 6 years, 2 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Baris

    December 12, 2018 at 11:11 pm

    the testicle being low after any inguinal hernia surgery Is common and 4 days is way too early. Usually takes a couple weeks for it to position back to its normal place and can take anywhere up untill 6 weeks.
    In a usual shouldice procedure the cremester muscle is cut and resuspended into the repair. However from my own experience and hearing from others having the procedure done outside the clinic surgeons tend not to cut the muscle as they feel its unecessary (although it decreases the reoccurence rate)
    Even if your cremester muscle was cut your scrotum will still raise the testicle as ive had mine cut and my testicles still raise. i was told the only time id realise ive lost the cremester muscle function is maybe if i scratched my inner thigh and the testicle hasnt retracted.
    In your position its way too early however its important to ask your surgeon if he has cut the muscle and wether his resuspended it.
    When i was at the shouldice clinic the surgeon told me that people wernt happy with the testicle being lower and thats why they started resuspending as this allows the testicle to return to the same position prior surgery.
    So main two questions to ask the surgeon In my opinion is:
    1. Has the cremestar muscle been cut
    2. If cut, has it been resuspended

  • Chaunce1234

    December 11, 2018 at 6:04 pm

    Can you share the name and location of the surgeon who performed your Shouldice hernia repair?

    I was under the impression that often the cremaster muscle is incorporated into a Shouldice repair, I am not sure what that means for the location of the testicle, but as far as I know the scrotum itself can still pull a testicle upward when necessary with temperature changes.

    Have you spoken to your surgeon about this? What did they say?

  • paco

    December 11, 2018 at 12:34 pm

    It could be the loss of cremasteric reflex. I think sometimes it can happen when labouring the cremaster muscle in Shouldice technique or with certain nerve branches neurectomies.

    Does your sac rise in response to cold? If so, there is no problem.

  • dog

    December 11, 2018 at 9:09 am

    Boy! ..Why you didn’t call to your doctor immediately ? What is his name ?

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