The SAGES Manual of Hernia Repair – Rent, $29.99 per 6 months
I just found that you can rent the SAGES Hernia Repair Manual for a reasonable cost. For those researching hernia repair methods it might be worth the money, and help in making a decision. I’ve read various portions of it and it doesn’t make me comfortable about any single method or material over another. But it is very informative to see the wide range of expertise out there and how “siloed” many of the experts are from each other.
You can also see the first 20 pages – https://wdn2.ipublishcentral.com//springer_verlag_gmbh/viewinsidehtml/500108101016845
And read previews (scroll down) – https://www.springer.com/us/book/9781461448242?gclid=EAIaIQobChMItY2E1I3a5wIVaB-tBh09fAHjEAYYASABEgJY__D_BwE#otherversion=9781461448235
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