News Feed Discussions Tightness on right side of torso 9 months after lap repair

  • Tightness on right side of torso 9 months after lap repair

    Posted by ajm222 on November 20, 2018 at 4:19 pm

    Hello again,

    I’ve been dealing with some strange symptoms and just wondering if anyone here had any thoughts. I started feeling some tightness around my hip on the right side of my body, which then seemed to extend up and include the whole right side of my abdomen. Looking in the mirror it appears like the right side of my abdomen is a little puffy. When I sit at my desk, bending over slightly, I feel like the contents of my torso are a little more squished and cramped inside.

    I’ve been examined by several doctors including my hernia surgeon, even getting an ultrasound. All say everything seems fine. I’m a hypochondriac and often experience strange symptoms that come and go. I’m wondering if perhaps I have just become super sensitive to sensations on that side of my body after the surgery and imagining things, or it’s some sort of referred sensation. I don’t really have any nausea or pain, things just feel tight and cramped and I sometimes feel like there’s a bulge on that side of my abdomen.

    Strange. I have another appointment next week but thinking about cancelling. Not sure what else they can do, though perhaps a CAT scan could show an even clearer view. But I am guessing an ultrasound would have found any tumors, and the last doctor said whatever it is (if it’s anything) wouldn’t be serious. Wondering if adhesions or something else could be involved as well.


    ajm222 replied 6 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • ajm222

    November 20, 2018 at 9:18 pm

    thanks! all great ideas. i’ll see if my PCP wants to do any additional testing to rule anything else out. i think if he feels like it’s unnecessary then I should probably explore the options you mentioned full steam. i would think that swelling, bloating etc. caused by any auto-immune-related issues having to do with the mesh would likely cause quite a bit of discomfort. and i’m just not really experiencing any of that. nor any pain. i do still have some very mild soreness or tenderness occasionally around the area of the hernia repair but nothing i would exactly describe as sharply painful or especially distracting. just some tightness and a feeling that things are kind of cramped and full on that side, but not in the typical kind of way that’s usually associated with nausea, bloating etc.

    a couple of times in the past when i was told nothing was wrong, i felt better and was able to kind of forget about it. then i tend to start worrying about it again eventually, and the more i worry the more tight/full the area feels. the mind can play some crazy tricks and perhaps that’s all it is. but the other thing is that i have reached my out-of-pocket max on my healthcare for the year so i’m also thinking now is the time to do any additional testing if need be.

  • Chaunce1234

    November 20, 2018 at 8:42 pm
    quote ajm222:

    I’ve been examined by several doctors including my hernia surgeon, even getting an ultrasound. All say everything seems fine. I’m a hypochondriac and often experience strange symptoms that come and go. I’m wondering if perhaps I have just become super sensitive to sensations on that side of my body after the surgery and imagining things, or it’s some sort of referred sensation. I don’t really have any nausea or pain, things just feel tight and cramped and I sometimes feel like there’s a bulge on that side of my abdomen.

    It’s good to get checked just to be sure, as that may ease some of your concern.

    If what you are experiencing is not painful or not causing particularly disturbing symptoms, and not interfering with your life in any notable way, perhaps try some other approaches. Physical therapy, exercise, mindfulness, mentally engaging activity, distractions, learning new things, etc.

    Have you considered targeted physical therapy or some sort of mobility therapy to loosen and strengthen the abdominal muscles, particularly where you feel tightness? If it’s muscular, or perhaps just sensation based, that might help.

    Good luck. Keep us updated on your case and progress.

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