News Feed Discussions Umbilical Hernia – Hernioplasty with mesh

  • Umbilical Hernia – Hernioplasty with mesh

    Posted by Praveena Raja on January 5, 2018 at 7:52 pm

    Hi Team,
    Few months after my 1st delivery (Normal delivery) , I experienced severe abdominal pain at frequent intervals for which I could not find the proper reason behind it.. for one year I suffered this, later saw some bulging around my belly button and identified it as umbilical hernia after scanning. So went thro herniosplasty with mesh before 3 months( Sep 27, 2017). Since then I am in rest , no climbing of stairs, no weight lifts, no excercising, have’nt sat in the floor too..
    Only sticking to walking and basic works. Now I could see lot of weight increase( around belly specifically) and slight pains around the operated area at times, Not frequently. experiencing back pain certain times.
    Please guide me in:
    1. what to start with regarding exercises?
    2. What to avoid for not getting pain and to avoid reoccurrence of hernia?
    3. How much weight I can lift? ( My son is just 2 and a half years old . I could not manage him without holding him)
    4. what exercises I should not do.

    badly need some expert inputs..

    Praveena Raja replied 7 years ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Praveena Raja

    January 5, 2018 at 9:46 pm

    Thanks for replying back.

    As per Surgery notes:
    Umbilical Hernioplasty done Under spinal anesthesia by pfannenstiel incision over anterior abdominal Skin raised from abdomen wall para umbilical sac about 2 and a half cm with 2 pockets dissected and sac excised Double breasting done. wash given. small mesh 3×6 inches introduced and applied and fixed with 2-0 ethilon. abdomen closed with 2 Romavac drain.

  • Good intentions

    January 5, 2018 at 9:03 pm

    The lack of instruction after surgery is pretty amazing. Don’t lift more than 10 lbs is the common single instruction. Typically, that’s it.

    After bilateral laparoscopic mesh implantation via TEP surgery, I was “released” after 3 weeks, to do whatever I felt like doing, but with instructions to “listen to my body”. That’s the other instruction people get. Sometimes the doctor will scribble something on the papers you get before you leave surgery. Have you checked yours closely?

    You didn’t say what type of surgery you had, open or laparoscopic. Or how much mesh was implanted. There is a trend to add lots of extra mesh, just in case there are other weak spots. Do you have any more details you can add about your procedure?

    I’m a man so my situation is different, of course. But the details might allow better advice. Good luck.

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