News Feed Discussions Ventralex Mesh – Umbilical Hernia – Need Removal

  • Ventralex Mesh – Umbilical Hernia – Need Removal

    Posted by AshCo on July 30, 2019 at 1:10 am

    Hi there. My name is Ashley. In Feb of 2012 I had an umbilical hernia repair with Ventralex mesh.
    Since then I have had on going chronic problems with auto immune issues, pain, infection and so on.
    currently I have had an infection for about 2 months. I’m on my 5th antibiotic and not improving but getting worse. I can’t even wear pajama pants anymore, anything that touches anywhere near my waist hurts and feels like pressure.

    i need to have my mesh removed. I’m wondering about a few things, which doctors are most recommended, the one in Cleveland Ohio, Annapolis Maryland, Las Vegas Nevada?
    Also wondering, does insurance usually cover removal assuming the surgeon accepts your insurance?
    how long does it take for them to get you in for surgery? Days? Weeks? Months?

    Generally, what gas removal recovery from an umbilical hernia been like for you? What complications have you had? How did the removal process go?
    just wanting to know all the possibilities.

    localCivilian replied 5 years, 6 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • localCivilian

    July 31, 2019 at 4:18 am

    I would avoid the surgeon from Las Vegas, Nevada. Brian Jacob’s is a good option as well but he isn’t in network with any insurance so that’s a heavy literal price to pay. Dr. Novitsky would be your best bet. He does remove mesh robotically and is network with all the major insurance companies. He also often tweets a lot about removing mesh, if that gives you so peace of mind. Fortunately, after reading up a lot from other users here and general research, removing mesh for an umbilical hernia doesn’t seem to be as complicated as compared to removing inguinal mesh.

  • Arkj93

    July 30, 2019 at 3:30 am

    Hi Ashley,

    I am sorry to hear of your problem. Depending on your geographic location, you may also consider Dr Brian Jacobs or Yuri Novitsky in NYC. I believe Dr Novitsky performs robotic removal of problematic mesh in the abdomen and Dr Jacobs is well known in the north east for removal as well. The one thing that is for sure is that you do not want an inexperienced surgeon removing your mesh, because it can be a complicated and tricky procedure. In my experience, I’ve had to contact my insurance to see if any doctors are in network, but many people will say that they had to pay out of pocket for their removal surgery.

    Good luck with your recovery.


  • Good intentions

    July 30, 2019 at 2:56 am

    Was the mesh implanted laparoscopically? Consider Dr. Peter Billing or Dr. Shirin Towfigh. Both are experts in laparoscopy and will remove mesh, and that’s how it should be removed if ti was placed that way.

    Mesh removal recovery is generally a long drawn out process. Much tissue damage is done during implantation and while the mesh is in there, and removing it does more. But, the positive is that after removal the path is constantly upward, although slow and bumpy.

    Good luck.

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