What happened during my surgery? Opinions welcome.
Hi All
This my first post, I’m hoping to benefit from the collective expert knowledge on this forum. There is a lot more information I can go into in subsequent posts if people may find it useful but I thought if I give out the bare bones of my surgery hopefully I won’t colour anyone’s opinions – I’m really interested in other people’s unprejudiced theories of the case. If anyone chooses to give an opinion on what happened – thank you.
I am in the UK and the operation was done on the NHS. I’m male, 50 and in good physical health – tall and slim. Very physically active – before surgery.
I was diagnosed with a right side indirect inguinal and diagnosed again by the operating surgeon approx 6 months after initial diagnosis. Around 7 months later I had TEPP. Bard 3Dmax. In my cubical straight after surgery, coming round from the general, still in gown.. oohhh.. let’s see this nice new flat groin. Felt my groin, lump was still there. WTF. Surgeon did his rounds before we were discharged. I told the surgeon about still having lump he just said seroma and did not examine me. I just accepted what he said (I was just a normal person back then before becoming a self-taught herniac.. remember those innocent times folks?) and went home. Over the coming days I was becoming more concerned about seroma diagnosis. Called hospital a week later, told by nurse it will be a seroma, not to worry and surgeon will not see me for 3 months. She said call back in a few weeks if still worried. Slow recovery for next couple of weeks. Called the hospital week 5 as was sure it was hernia and got an appointment with surgeon. During an appointment that week he located pubic tubercle and said that clinically I have a femoral hernia and not a seroma. Clinical Femoral diagnosis was confirmed a couple of months later by 2nd opinion surgeon (below and lateral to PT)
So.. there’s a whole lot more to this story.. unfortunately.. however based on the events above what are people’s thoughts on what may have happened?
Thank you all and may your pains be bearable 🙂
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